View: |
Part 1: Document Description
Citation |
Title: |
Central Government Revenue in Latvia, 1918-1940 |
Identification Number: |
hdl:21.12137/EI5F6V |
Distributor: |
Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA) |
Date of Distribution: |
2022-01-29 |
Version: |
3 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Norkus, Zenonas; Ambrulevičiūtė, Aelita; Markevičiūtė, Jurgita; Morkevičius, Vaidas; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2022, "Central Government Revenue in Latvia, 1918-1940",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V3, UNF:6:vvx5bLyrnSTzZPMhYpCn7A== [fileUNF] |
Citation |
Title: |
Central Government Revenue in Latvia, 1918-1940 |
Identification Number: |
hdl:21.12137/EI5F6V |
Identification Number: |
LiDA_AggregatedData_0107 |
Authoring Entity: |
Norkus, Zenonas (Institute of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Lithuania [Project Leader]) |
Ambrulevičiūtė, Aelita (Institute of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Lithuania [Project Member]) |
Markevičiūtė, Jurgita (Institute of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Lithuania [Project Member]) |
Morkevičius, Vaidas (Institute of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Lithuania [Project Member]) |
Žvaliauskas, Giedrius (Institute of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Lithuania [Project Member; Data collection; Data curation]) |
Date of Production: |
2019-08-19 |
Software used in Production: |
MS Excel |
Grant Number: |
DOTSUT-31 (09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0006)/LSS-250000-54 (2018-01-08) |
Distributor: |
Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA) |
Distributor: |
Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities |
Access Authority: |
Žvaliauskas, Giedrius |
Depositor: |
Norkus, Zenonas (Institute of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Lithuania) |
Date of Deposit: |
2019-08-19 |
Date of Distribution: |
2019-09-20 |
Series Name: |
Finance |
Series Information: |
<p>Dataverse collection "Finance" contains data about central and local government revenue and expenditure, fiscal politics, financial institutions, money turnover, banks, deposits, credits, etc.</p> |
Holdings Information: | |
Study Scope |
Keywords: |
Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, state budgets, taxation, income, economic history |
Topic Classification: |
History, Economic policy, public expenditure and revenue |
Abstract: |
<p>This dataset contains data on Latvian central government revenue in 1919-1939. </p> <p>Dataset "Central Government Revenue in Latvia, 1918-1940" was published implementing project "Historical Sociology of Modern Restorations: a Cross-Time Comparative Study of Post-Communist Transformation in the Baltic States" from 2018 to 2022. Project leader is prof. Zenonas Norkus. Project is funded by the European Social Fund according to the activity "Improvement of researchers' qualification by implementing world-class R&D projects' of Measure No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712".</p> |
Time Period: |
1919-1939 |
Date of Collection: |
2019-2019 |
Country: |
Latvia |
Unit of Analysis: |
Other: central government revenue <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for AnalysisUnit)</a> |
Unit of Analysis: |
Political-administrative area <a href="" target="_blank">(DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for AnalysisUnit)</a> |
Kind of Data: |
Aggregated data: historical statistics |
Notes: |
<p>The language of the data sources is Latvian (lat).</p> <p>Dataset (metadata) “Central Government Revenue in Latvia, 1918-1940” from 2019-09-20 to 2021-10-01 was available on the portal of Lithuanian Data Archive for Humanities and Social Sciences (LiDA); object PID:; produced by Žvaliauskas Giedrius 2019-09-20. </p> |
Methodology and Processing |
Time Method: |
Time series <a href="" target="_blank">(DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for TimeMethod)</a> |
Data Collector: |
State Statistical Bureau ([lav] Valsts statistiskā pārvalde), Latvia |
Mode of Data Collection: |
Transcription; Compilation/Synthesis; Other: Calculations <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for ModeOfCollection)</a> |
Sources Statement |
Data Sources: |
<a href="" target="_blank">Registers/Records/Accounts: administrative</a> |
Latvijas PSR statistikas tabulas 1940. g. Riga: Latvijas PSR Tautsaimniecības statistikas pārvalde, 1940, p. 79 |
Latvijas statistiskās gada grāmata 1939 = Annuaire statistique de la Lettonie pour l'année 1939. Rigā: Valsts statistiskā pārvalde, 1939 = Riga: Bureau de statistique de l'état, 1939, p. 79 |
Latvijas valsts finances 1918./1920. –1931./1932. Sastādījis J. Jurevics. Rediģējis V. Salnais, p. 14 |
Origins of Sources: |
State Statistical Bureau ([lav] Valsts statistiskā pārvalde), Latvia |
Notes: |
<p>1918/1920 – 1938/1939 Latvia's budget was drawn up on a business year basis, i. e. from 1 April to 31 March. After the occupation of Latvia in 1940, the budget was drawn up on a calendar year basis, i. e. from 1 January to 31 December. Therefore, the Latvian Statistical Yearbook for 1940 contains one budget line <i>1939/1940 and 1940</i>, which shows the budget revenue from 1 April 1939 to 31 December 1940.</p> <b>Erratum</b> <br> <p> <p>Publication <i> Latvijas valsts finances 1918./1920. –1931./1932. Sastādījis J. Jurevics. Rediģējis V. Salnais, p. 14</i> states that the total amount of the 1922/1923 budget revenue was 133,838 thousands. However, if we add up all the revenue collected, we find that the 1922/1923 budget revenue was not 133,838 thousands, but 133,837 thousands Latvian lats (LVL).</p> |
Data Access |
Archive Where Study was Originally Stored: |
Institute of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University, Lithuania = Sociologijos ir socialinio darbo institutas, Filosofijos fakultetas, Vilniaus universitetas, Lietuva |
Extent of Collection: |
Main files = Pagrindiniai failai <br> Data files (1, MS Excel format) = Duomenų failai (1, MS Excel formatu). <br><br> Other files = Kiti failai <br> Other files related to the dataset (6, different formats) = Kiti su duomenų rinkiniu susiję failai (6, įvairūs formatai). |
Confidentiality Declaration: |
In order to ensure the confidentiality of the data stored in the LiDA Dataverse repository, users must agree to the confidentiality declaration before using the data. The declaration of confidentiality obliges LiDA Dataverse repository users to protect the confidentiality of any information to which they have been granted access, if this information directly or indirectly identifies specific individuals. Intentional or unintentional disregard for this obligation may incur liability under applicable data protection laws. <hr> Siekiant užtikrinti LiDA Dataverse talpykloje saugomų duomenų konfidencialumą, prieš pradėdami naudotis konkrečiais duomenimis, vartotojai privalo sutikti su konfidencialumo deklaracija. Konfidencialumo deklaracijoje LiDA Dataverse talpyklos duomenų vartotojai įpareigojami saugoti bet kokios informacijos, prie kurios jiems suteikiama prieiga, konfidencialumą, jei ši informacija leistų identifikuoti konkrečius asmenis. Įspėjama, kad sąmoningas ar nesąmoningas šio pasižadėjimo nepaisymas užtraukia atitinkamą atsakomybę pagal galiojančius duomenų apsaugos teisės aktus. |
Restrictions: |
Users undertake not to transfer data curated by the LiDA and to which they have been granted access to any third parties. <hr> Vartotojai įsipareigoja neperduoti LiDA saugomų duomenų, prie kurių jiems suteikiama prieiga, trečiosioms šalims. |
Citation Requirement: |
Publications based on the data or other resources curated by the LiDA should acknowledge this by a reference to LiDA. To ensure that such attributions are captured by social science bibliographic utilities, citations must appear in the footnotes or in the reference section of publications. <hr> Publikacijose, parengtose LiDA saugomų duomenų išteklių pagrindu, turi būti nuoroda į LiDA išnašose ar literatūros sąraše į naudojamus išteklius. Šiuo reikalavimu siekiama, kad nuoroda į LiDA patektų į socialinių mokslų citavimo indeksus. |
Conditions: |
The users are required to provide bibliographic information about all forms of publications referring to the data and other resources curated at the LiDA (in written form or by email: <a href=""></a>). <hr> Vartotojai įsipareigoja pateikti archyvui publikacijų, kuriose naudoti LiDA saugomi duomenys ar kita informacija, bibliografinius aprašus (raštu ar el. paštu: <a href=""></a>). |
Disclaimer: |
The Lithuanian Data Archive for Humanities and Social Sciences (LiDA) bears no responsibility for the uses of the data archived therein, or for interpretations or inferences based on these uses. The LiDA accepts no liability for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses arising from use of the data collection, or from the unavailability of, or break in access to the service for whatever reason. <hr> Lietuvos humanitarinių ir socialinių mokslų duomenų archyvas (LiDA) neatsako už trečiųjų asmenų (institucijų) išvadas ir interpretacijas gautas naudojant LiDA saugomus duomenis. LiDA neatsako už netiesioginę, atsitiktinę, ar kitokią žalą, ar nuostolius, atsiradusius naudojant LiDA saugomus duomenis, arba negalint jų pasiekti, arba dėl nesankcionuoto jų panaudojimo įsilaužus į sistemą. |
Notes: |
<p>Access to the LiDA internal documents related to the published dataset is not provided.</p> <hr> <p>Prieiga prie LiDA vidinių dokumentų, susijusių su publikuotu duomenų rinkiniu, nesuteikiama.</p> |
Other Study Description Materials |
Related Studies |
<a href=" " target="_blank"> Central Government Revenue in Lithuania, 1918-1940</a> |
<a href=" " target="_blank"> Central Government Revenue in Estonia, 1919-1940</a> |
File Description--f1600 |
File: |
Notes: |
UNF:6:vvx5bLyrnSTzZPMhYpCn7A== |
Time Series |
List of Variables: |
Variables |
f1600 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:tukxGWv2bhF76Fuh4lh74A== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Taxes(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Mokesčiai(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 8.50127142857143E7; Min. 7639000.0; Max. 1.97382E8; Valid 21.0; StDev 3.875488969297018E7; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:0M4wwbnos7z3HInql3ieNA== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Duesandothercontributions(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Rinkliavosirkitosįmokos(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 353000.0; Mean 1.0201142857142856E7; Valid 21.0; StDev 5517906.634637037; Max. 2.3605E7 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:bcWfXQKgnkg+tJqRdUCr3g== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Governmentbond(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Vyriausybėsobligacijos(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:RaWi1NRM2/txGLeS9XbXbQ== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Statemonopolies(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Valstybinėsmonopolijos(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:bXEgv+x2B1dea5WJAA56SA== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:State-ownedenterprises(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Valstybinėsįmonės(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:/0oxsEM+UPhyK9vYPvHfzQ== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Governmentcreditandcapitalgains(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Vyriausybėskreditaiirkapitaloprieaugis(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:QPBCPeUcajQUmYUVRzXVEQ== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Monopoly,state-ownedenterprisesandcapitalgains(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Monopolija,valstybinėsįmonėsirkapitaloprieaugis(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:P6DcmlWryxbcrQOMnL1Y0A== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Realizationofstateassets(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Valstybėsturtorealizavimas(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 21.0; StDev 2932191.562961868; Mean 3364476.1904761903; Max. 1.0853E7; Min. 111000.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ieBOqs7ehjI8zV63zr1Org== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Stateforests,land,waterandbuildings(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Valstybiniaimiškai,žemė,vanduoirpastatai(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:WDySvMKygL45Hb+pLIvUkg== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Useofstateproperty(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Valstybinioturtonaudojimas(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:DlMjBTestLesEDauFjJaTw== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Miscellaneousrevenue(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Įvairiospajamos(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 891000.0; StDev 1254403.8386724552; Max. 5814000.0; Valid 21.0; Mean 3109095.238095238; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:j6oMJQM6QHpPM8pOJmoAcQ== |
Latvia:Centralgovernmentrevenue:Total(LVL)=Latvija:Valstybėsbiudžetopajamos:Išviso(LVL) |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 3.67071E8; Mean 1.588312380952381E8; Valid 21.0; StDev 6.1453306488670535E7; Min. 6.0617E7 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:eKr/xLVKxb85BTVYE4DqjQ== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; StDev NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
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f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Mean NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
f1600 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z3jHx7a2wcJz5mgWmnZSpg== |
Label: |
LiDA_HistatData_0107_Internal_documents_v1.tar.gz |
Text: |
LiDA vidiniai dokumentai, susiję su publikuotu duomenų rinkiniu, prie kurių prieiga nesuteikiama = LiDA internal documents related to the published dataset, to which access is not provided. |
Notes: |
application/x-gzip |