View: |
Part 1: Document Description
Citation |
Title: |
Environmental Attitudes of the Lithuanian Population, July - August 2021 |
Identification Number: |
hdl:21.12137/MBMHAJ |
Distributor: |
Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA) |
Date of Distribution: |
2022-04-13 |
Version: |
3 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Telešienė, Audronė; Pelikšienė, Rūta, 2022, "Environmental Attitudes of the Lithuanian Population, July - August 2021",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V3, UNF:6:kqPNLZZFOXeqlSFCj+dEJg== [fileUNF] |
Citation |
Title: |
Environmental Attitudes of the Lithuanian Population, July - August 2021 |
Identification Number: |
hdl:21.12137/MBMHAJ |
Identification Number: |
LiDA_SurveyData_0467 |
Authoring Entity: |
Telešienė, Audronė (Research Group – Civil Society and Sustainability, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania [Project Leader]) |
Pelikšienė, Rūta (Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania [Project Member]) |
Other identifications and acknowledgements: |
Žvaliauskas, Giedrius |
Date of Production: |
2021-08-05 |
Software used in Production: |
Grant Number: |
09.3.3-LMT-K-712-24-0013 |
Distributor: |
Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA) |
Distributor: |
Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities |
Access Authority: |
Žvaliauskas, Giedrius |
Depositor: |
Pelikšienė, Rūta (Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania) |
Date of Deposit: |
2022-01-30 |
Date of Distribution: |
2022-04-13 |
Series Name: |
Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour Surveys |
Series Information: |
Dataverse collection “Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour Surveys” contains surveys which aim to analyze environmental attitudes, environmental values, environmentally significant behaviors of different populations, as well as climate change perceptions, climate change attitudes, climate change behaviors, energy attitudes, energy technology acceptance, environmental knowledge and environmental education, education for sustainable development, and elements of environmental citizenship. |
Holdings Information: | |
Study Scope |
Keywords: |
Social Sciences, environmental conservation, environmental awareness, environment |
Topic Classification: |
Environment and conservation |
Abstract: |
<b><i>The purpose of the study</i></b>: to analyze the views of the Lithuanian population on climate change and to clarify environmental provisions. <br> <b><i>Major investigated questions</i></b>: respondents were asked how serious the problem of climate change is in Lithuania and the European Union. A block of questions asked whether, in the last six months, the respondents had done any of the following: chosen a more environmentally friendly way of travelling (walking, cycling, public transport, electric car); avoided buying overly packaged products; avoided single-use plastic products, except for shopping bags (e.g., plastic knives, forks and spoons, cups, plates, etc.) or bought reusable plastic products; sorted most of their waste for recycling; used less water; used less energy (e.g., reduced energy consumption by limiting air conditioning or heating, not leaving appliances on standby, buying energy-saving devices); bought products with eco-labels; bought local products; used their car less by avoiding unnecessary journeys, by working from home (remotely), etc.; joined a demonstration, participated in a seminar, took part in activities (e.g., (e.g. participated in a collective beach or park clean-up); changed their diet to eat more sustainable food; talked to others about environmental issues; bought second-hand items (e.g. clothes or electronics) instead of new ones; repaired an item instead of replacing it). <br> <b><i>Socio-demographic characteristics</i></b>: sex, age, nationality, education, monthly family income per one family member, occupation, household size (including respondent), place of residence, geographic unit. |
Time Period: |
2021-07-29-2021-08-05 |
Date of Collection: |
2021-07-29-2021-08-05 |
Country: |
Lithuania |
Geographic Unit(s): |
Alytus District Municipality, Birštonas Municipality, Elektrėnai Municipality, Jonava District Municipality, Kaišiadorys District Municipality, Kalvarija Municipality, Kaunas City Municipality, Kaunas District Municipality, Kelmė District Municipality, Klaipėda City Municipality, Klaipėda District Municipality, Kretinga District Municipality, Kupiškis District Municipality, Lazdijai District Municipality, Marijampolė Municipality, Mažeikiai District Municipality, Molėtai District Municipality, Pagėgiai Municipality, Pakruojis District Municipality, Palanga Municipality, Panevėžys City Municipality, Prienai District Municipality, Raseiniai District Municipality, Rokiškis District Municipality, Šakiai District Municipality, Šiauliai City Municipality, Šiauliai District Municipality, Švenčionys District Municipality, Tauragė District Municipality, Telšiai District Municipality, Ukmergė District Municipality, Utena District Municipality, Varėna District Municipality, Vilkaviškis District Municipality, Vilnius City Municipality |
Unit of Analysis: |
Individual <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for AnalysisUnit</a>) |
Universe: |
All persons aged 18 and over resident within private households in Lithuania. |
Kind of Data: |
Survey data |
Notes: |
<p> The main language of the study is Lithuanian (lit). </p> <p> Standardized questionnaire was provided for the respondents in Lithuanian (lit). </p> |
Methodology and Processing |
Time Method: |
Cross-section <a href="" target="_blank"> (Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for TimeMethod</a>) |
Data Collector: |
UAB "Vilmorus" |
Sampling Procedure: |
<p><b> Mixed probability and non-probability </b> <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for SamplingProcedure</a>)</p> <li> <b><i>Sampling frame</b></i>: Households were selected via a random route procedure starting from 100 PSUs. <br> <b><i>Sampling design</b></i>: Stratified three stage probability sampling: <ul> <li>In the first stag the territory of Lithuania was divided into strata according to counties and size of the place of residence (the county centers, other towns and rural areas). Within each stratum primary sampling units were selected in proportion to its population. Primary sampling units in the strata of county centers and towns are streets. From the list of streets required amount of primary sampling units are selected using systematic probability sampling. In the rural strata primary sampling units are villages. In addition, form the list of selected villages 1 primary sampling unit is selected randomly; <li>In the second stage, in each selected primary sampling unit households were selected via random route sampling. The first household of primary sampling units of the county centers and towns was selected from the table of random numbers. Subsequent households were selected via random route sampling: every 6th household. The first household of primary sampling units of the villages was selected from the table of random numbers. Subsequent households were selected via random route sampling: every 2nd household; <li>In the third stage, in each selected household one respondent was selected using the nearest birthday method.</ul> |
Major Deviations from the Sample Design: |
The population of villages with no streets was not interviewed. |
Mode of Data Collection: |
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI) <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI aljanso ModeOfCollection kontroliuojamas žodynas)</a> |
Type of Research Instrument: |
Structured questionnaire <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for TypeOfInstrument)</a> |
Sources Statement |
Control Operations: |
In order to check the quality of interviewer's work the data gatherer repeatedly contacted by phone 10 percent of respondents. Principles of sampling and compliance with questionnaire requirements were checked. Filling logic and correctness of the questionnaires were checked by data gatherer's department of interviewers. |
Cleaning Operations: |
Quality of 10 percent of the data input was checked by the data input unit. Possible mistakes of coding procedure and compliance between questions and responses were additionally checked. |
Data Access |
Archive Where Study was Originally Stored: |
Mokslo grupė – Pilietinė visuomenė ir darnus vystymasis, Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakultetas, Kauno technologijos universitetas, Lietuva = Research Group – Civil Society and Sustainability, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania |
Extent of Collection: |
<b>Pagrindiniai failai = Major files</b> <p>Duomenų failai (1, SPSS SAV formatu) = Data files (1, SPSS SAV format).</p> <p>Klausimynai (1, PDF formatu) = Questionnaires (1, PDF format).</p> <b>Kiti failai = Other files</b> <p>Sintaksės failai (1, SPSS SPS formatu) = Syntax files (1, SPSS SPS format).</p> <p>Originalūs depozitoriaus pateikti duomenų failai (1, SPSS SAV formatu) = Original data files deposited by the depositor (1, SPSS SAV format).</p> <p>Kiti su duomenų rinkiniu susiję failai (1, įvairūs formatai) = Other files related to the dataset (1, different formats). </p> |
Confidentiality Declaration: |
<p>Siekiant užtikrinti LiDA Dataverse talpykloje saugomų duomenų konfidencialumą, prieš pradėdami naudotis konkrečiais duomenimis, vartotojai privalo sutikti su konfidencialumo deklaracija. Konfidencialumo deklaracijoje LiDA Dataverse talpyklos duomenų vartotojai įpareigojami saugoti bet kokios informacijos, prie kurios jiems suteikiama prieiga, konfidencialumą, jei ši informacija leistų identifikuoti konkrečius asmenis. Įspėjama, kad sąmoningas ar nesąmoningas šio pasižadėjimo nepaisymas užtraukia atitinkamą atsakomybę pagal galiojančius duomenų apsaugos teisės aktus.</p> <hr> <p> In order to ensure the confidentiality of the data stored in the LiDA Dataverse repository, users must agree to the confidentiality declaration before using the data. The declaration of confidentiality obliges LiDA Dataverse repository users to protect the confidentiality of any information to which they have been granted access, if this information directly or indirectly identifies specific individuals. Intentional or unintentional disregard for this obligation may incur liability under applicable data protection laws.</p> |
Restrictions: |
Vartotojai įsipareigoja neperduoti LiDA saugomų duomenų, prie kurių jiems suteikiama prieiga, trečiosioms šalims. <hr> Users undertake not to transfer data curated by the LiDA and to which they have been granted access to any third parties. |
Citation Requirement: |
Publikacijose, parengtose LiDA saugomų duomenų išteklių pagrindu, turi būti nuoroda į LiDA išnašose ar literatūros sąraše į naudojamus išteklius. Šiuo reikalavimu siekiama, kad nuoroda į LiDA patektų į socialinių mokslų citavimo indeksus. <hr> Publications based on the data or other resources curated by the LiDA should acknowledge this by a reference to LiDA. To ensure that such attributions are captured by social science bibliographic utilities, citations must appear in the footnotes or in the reference section of publications. |
Conditions: |
Vartotojai įsipareigoja pateikti archyvui publikacijų, kuriose naudoti LiDA saugomi duomenys ar kita informacija, bibliografinius aprašus (raštu ar el. paštu: <a href=""></a>). <hr> The users are required to provide bibliographic information about all forms of publications referring to the data and other resources curated at the LiDA (in written form or by email: <a href=""></a>). |
Disclaimer: |
Lietuvos humanitarinių ir socialinių mokslų duomenų archyvas (LiDA) neatsako už trečiųjų asmenų (institucijų) išvadas ir interpretacijas gautas naudojant LiDA saugomus duomenis. LiDA neatsako už netiesioginę, atsitiktinę, ar kitokią žalą, ar nuostolius, atsiradusius naudojant LiDA saugomus duomenis, arba negalint jų pasiekti, arba dėl nesankcionuoto jų panaudojimo įsilaužus į sistemą. <hr> The Lithuanian Data Archive for Humanities and Social Sciences (LiDA) bears no responsibility for the uses of the data archived therein, or for interpretations or inferences based on these uses. The LiDA accepts no liability for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses arising from use of the data collection, or from the unavailability of, or break in access to the service for whatever reason. |
Notes: |
<p>Jei norite gauti depozitoriaus perduotą tyrimo duomenų failą, ankstesnes duomenų failų versijas SPSS formatu arba pirminio apdorojimo SPSS komandų sintaksę, rašykite </p> <p>Prieiga prie LiDA vidinių dokumentų, susijusių su publikuotu duomenų rinkiniu, nesuteikiama.</p> <hr> <p>If you would like to get the original data file submitted by the depositor, earlier versions of the data files in SPSS format or pre-processing syntaxes in SPSS format, write to</p> <p>Access to the LiDA internal documents related to the published dataset is not provided.</P> |
Other Study Description Materials |
File Description--f1995 |
File: |
Notes: |
UNF:6:kqPNLZZFOXeqlSFCj+dEJg== |
Survey |
List of Variables: |
Variables |
f1995 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:lTSLiD/sQv/C/97cFg0b7Q== |
f1995 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:vhygghZ/D6dtTuL2uo6JmQ== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 500.5; StDev 288.8194360957494; Max. 1000.0; Valid 1000.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:8n4YccLl71znI7oidWp6IA== |
K1.1|Kiek rimta šiuo metu yra klimato kaitos problema: Lietuvoje |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; StDev 18.365661668682826; Max. 99.0; Mean 10.862999999999976; Valid 1000.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Wg3EVrkooLe2FqNpGxFACg== |
K1.2|Kiek rimta šiuo metu yra klimato kaitos problema: Europos Sąjungoje |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 13.097000000000012; Valid 1000.0; StDev 21.619180835082055; Max. 99.0; Min. 0.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:7bSf89Vx+k0g6jjQFiE0Sw== |
K2.1|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: pasirinkote palankesnį aplinkai kelionės būdą |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.470448000656103; Min. 0.0; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.3300000000000007; Valid 1000.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:1+giPiKJMnhArgAazBY7Hg== |
K2.2|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: vengėte pirkti pernelyg įpakuotų produktų |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 1000.0; StDev 0.46313442270413635; Mean 0.31100000000000005; Max. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:+0Vct2tdYomIEeUKoRx5DQ== |
K2.3|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: vengėte vienkartinių plastiko gaminių |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 1000.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.4859999999999999; StDev 0.5000540511325311; Max. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:63mH3G5jdNunkl7eHV63qw== |
K2.4|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: rūšiavote daugumą savo atliekų perdirbimui |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.46474830929330696; Min. 0.0; Valid 1000.0; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.6850000000000003 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:t2U8+GtFoRF+wkwfNBBsaQ== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 1.0; StDev 0.3582280381646974; Valid 1000.0; Mean 0.15100000000000013; Min. 0.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:6BUXOTjgORtDFnvUxEhIEQ== |
K2.6|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: suvartojote mažiau energijos |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Mean 0.29000000000000037; Max. 1.0; Valid 1000.0; StDev 0.45398910351032434 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:4GXSDTGhjSyLqt+dmO7Wtg== |
K2.7|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: pirkote produktus, pažymėtus ekologinėmis etiketėmis |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.41172018837253443; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.21600000000000016; Max. 1.0; Valid 1000.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Q2i6iF4LyCqxxc6sYxwSng== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.5002411830719641; Min. 0.0; Max. 1.0; Valid 1000.0; Mean 0.5029999999999999 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:wzUAEaHvzJTHUMPt1hNS7Q== |
K2.9|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: mažiau naudojotės savo automobiliu |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 1000.0; StDev 0.4046328307586129; Max. 1.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.20600000000000027 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:AiO62eirU9ovf1tD7X1N9Q== |
K2.10|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: prisijungėte prie demonstracijos |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.2376056742934729; Valid 1000.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.059999999999999915; Max. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:hI3NkM2ApMyuka0fxAPlPg== |
K2.11|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: pakeitėte savo mitybą ir vartojate tvaresnį maistą |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 1000.0; Mean 0.15600000000000006; Max. 1.0; StDev 0.3630369069334376; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:6MubOoCz/VRARveZuQKjXA== |
K2.12|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: kalbėjotės su kitais apie aplinkos problemas |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 1000.0; StDev 0.4663222667388505; Mean 0.31900000000000006; Max. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:mtx2J4QbeE9SLVTNgpVgog== |
K2.13|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: pirkote dėvėtų daiktų vietoje naujų |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 1.0; StDev 0.4793545460103421; Mean 0.3570000000000005; Min. 0.0; Valid 1000.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:6wNubzIrTgphfyrVt1Jw5g== |
K2.14|Ar per paskutinius 6 mėn.: susiremontavote daiktą, o ne pakeitėte jį |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Max. 1.0; StDev 0.4833141758655494; Valid 1000.0; Mean 0.3709999999999998; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ATN4rv+L9D5MWpCSWh4ViQ== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 1000.0; StDev 0.1863833113203523; Max. 1.0; Mean 0.03600000000000019; Min. 0.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:81HjgGvQDodPMZ73OsIjRg== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 1000.0; Min. 0.0; Mean 0.013000000000000017; StDev 0.1133306835938248; Max. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:fighKgrR92yKlBWGJ+aWjQ== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 2.0; Mean 1.528; StDev 0.4994651794324246; Valid 1000.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:z9TfInbDh4uCVj+ByQJr1g== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 16.645829136081755; Valid 1000.0; Mean 50.61600000000001; Max. 94.0; Min. 18.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:M52IVt7BUwCp/nk1u3sgMg== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 1.5776200064923362; Valid 1000.0; Mean 3.5980000000000008; Min. 1.0; Max. 6.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:AeW3DyDwekC89kvcPNZWMw== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 4.026000000000002; Valid 1000.0; StDev 1.569007898573424; Min. 1.0; Max. 6.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:s6cW4Y4hkUujPemQ9Sy3qQ== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 1.2209999999999979; Max. 99.0; Valid 1000.0; StDev 3.1314477426527394; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:1h2slnlm7k5P9F97gX5HKw== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 4.598000000000001; Min. 1.0; Valid 1000.0; StDev 3.246372581041137; Max. 99.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:6U32ZIq/BF0jFBpQM+ctug== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 1000.0; Min. 70.0; Mean 1780.3410000000006; StDev 3213.905241854932; Max. 9999.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:SJQiVMpLuYsIoCCwKmW9BQ== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 1000.0; StDev 3385.2602805874994; Min. 1.0; Max. 9999.0; Mean 1322.4380000000008 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:qJBIjp5ecbJ+uviXF2m7yg== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 5.188112615635148; Max. 99.0; Mean 6.601999999999997; Valid 1000.0; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:OPLxDeX+g/xoa1GacxL5qA== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 2.431; Max. 7.0; Valid 1000.0; StDev 1.1119691881861995; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:OuhbPDpNalYmQkOmEBzSSQ== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Valid 1000.0; StDev 1.1058634336725004; Min. 1.0; Mean 2.7329999999999997 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:v26UXjscBEv8lgUOJKnrug== |
f1995 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 1000.0; StDev 18.538113081881818; Mean 19.05499999999998; Min. 1.0; Max. 61.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:tulAZ6L/Ecby6td0Wm/6gw== |
Label: |
LiDA_SurveyData_0467_Archive_v1.tar.gz |
Text: |
Duomenų depozitoriaus pateikti originalūs duomenys, ankstesnės duomenų versijos ir pirminio apdorojimo SPSS sintaksės failai. Jei norite gauti depozitoriaus perduotą tyrimo duomenų failą, ankstesnes duomenų failų versijas SPSS formatu arba pirminio apdorojimo SPSS komandų sintaksę, rašykite = Original data deposited by the depositor, previous versions of the data and pre-processing syntax files in SPSS format. If you would like to get the original data file submitted by the depositor, earlier versions of the data files in SPSS format or pre-processing syntaxes in SPSS format, write to |
Notes: |
application/x-gzip |
Label: |
LiDA_SurveyData_0467_Internal_documents_v2.tar.gz |
Text: |
LiDA vidiniai dokumentai, susiję su publikuotu duomenų rinkiniu, prie kurių prieiga nesuteikiama = LiDA internal documents related to the published dataset, to which access is not provided. |
Notes: |
application/x-gzip |
Label: |
LiDA_SurveyData_0467_Questionnaire_v2.pdf |
Text: |
Klausimynas = Questionnaire |
Notes: |
application/pdf |