Lithuanian population by Sex and Age in 1923 Census Data (hdl:21.12137/NFJGYL)


Part 1: Document Description
Part 2: Study Description
Part 3: Data Files Description
Part 4: Variable Description
Part 5: Other Study-Related Materials
Entire Codebook

Document Description



Lithuanian population by Sex and Age in 1923 Census Data

Identification Number:



Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA)

Date of Distribution:




Bibliographic Citation:

Vaskela, Gediminas, 2022, "Lithuanian population by Sex and Age in 1923 Census Data",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V1, UNF:6:kdrmwHwwxQi6Iuz5M9wGnA== [fileUNF]

Study Description



Lithuanian population by Sex and Age in 1923 Census Data

Identification Number:


Identification Number:


Authoring Entity:

Vaskela, Gediminas (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania [Data collection; Data curation])

Other identifications and acknowledgements:

Štreimikis, Antanas

Other identifications and acknowledgements:

Žvaliauskas, Giedrius

Date of Production:


Software used in Production:

MS Excel

Grant Number:



Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA)


Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities

Access Authority:

Žvaliauskas, Giedrius


Vaskela, Gediminas (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania)

Date of Deposit:


Date of Distribution:


Series Name:


Series Information:

<p>Dataverse collection “Demography” contains data about population size, density, population size by place of residence (city or village), gender, confession, ethnic or national, social or estate cast; demographic historical data (birth rates, mortality, marriages, divorces, sickness rate, etc.); data about population migration; census data, etc.</p>

Holdings Information:

Study Scope


Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, census data, population distribution, age distribution, gender, history, demographic statistics

Topic Classification:

History, Demography (population, vital statistics, and censuses)


<p>This dataset contains data on population by sex and age on the basis of the results of the Census Data of Lithuania, which was carried out on 17 September 1923.</p>

Time Period:


Date of Collection:




Geographic Unit(s):

Alytus County, Biržai County, Kaunas County, Kėdainiai County, Kretinga County, Marijampolė County, Mažeikiai County, Panevėžys County, Raseiniai County, Rokiškis County, Seinai County, Šakiai County, Šiauliai County, Tauragė County, Telšiai County, Trakai County, Ukmergė County, Utena County, Vilkaviškis County, Zarasai (Ežerėnai) County

Unit of Analysis:

Individual: population<a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for AnalysisUnit</a>)

Unit of Analysis:

Political-administrative area <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for AnalysisUnit</a>)

Kind of Data:

Aggregated data: historical statistics


<p>The language of the data sources is Lithuanian (lit).</p> <p>Dataset (data and metadata) “Lithuanian population by sex and age in 1923 17 September Census Data” from 2011-05-17 to 2021-10-01 was available on the portal of Lithuanian Data Archive for Humanities and Social Sciences (LiDA); object PID:; produced by Šteimikis, Antanas in 2011-05-17. </p>

Methodology and Processing

Time Method:

Cross-section <a href="" target="_blank">(DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for TimeMethod</a>)

Data Collector:

Central Statistical Bureau under the Ministry of Finance, Lithuania

Mode of Data Collection:

Transcription; Compilation/Synthesis <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for ModeOfCollection</a>)

Sources Statement

Data Sources:

<b> Registers/Records/Accounts: administrative</b><a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for DataSourceType)</a>

Lietuvos gyventojai: pirmojo 1923 m. rugsėjo 17 d. visuotinio gyventojų surašymo duomenys. Kaunas: Lietuvos Respublikos Centrinis Statistikos Biuras, 1923, p. 51-53

Origins of Sources:

Central Statistical Bureau under the Ministry of Finance, Lithuania


</p> Important territorial changes in 1920 <p> <li> According to the Soviet–Lithuanian Peace Treaty signed on 1920-07-12, the Vilnius Region passed to Lithuania. On 1920-10-07 Lithuania and Poland signed the Suwalki Treaty, which had to enter into force on October 10, and Poland also recognized the Vilnius Region as part of Lithuania. However, on 1920-10-09 Poland violated this treaty and its army occupied the Vilnius Region and it (Ašmena County, Lida County, Grodno County, Suwalki County and Vilnius City) became part of the Poland. </p> Important territorial changes in 1921 <p> <li> When Latvia declared independence in 1918, and declared that the borders of the new state should follow the boundaries of the Courland Province, which was part of the Russian Empire. The decision meant that Palanga, which had been separated from the Vilnius Governorate in 1819 and annexed to the Courland Province, would remain part of Latvia. The border dispute between Latvia and Lithuania was settled on 1921-03-30 with the signing of the Lithuanian-Latvian Border Treaty, which, with some exceptions, respected the borders of the Courland Province and Kaunas Province. Latvia received the northernmost part of Lithuanian‘s territory, while Lithuania received the coastal stretch of Palanga and Šventoji, and a small area near Zarasai. </p> Important territorial changes in 1923 <p> <li> According to Treaty of Versailles on 1919-06-28 the Klaipėda Region was separated from Germany and ruled by France on behalf of the Entente Powers. After Lithuania organized the Klaipėda Revolt the military annexation of Klaipėda Region to the territory of Lithuania was carried out in 1923-01-10-15. After the Klaipėda Revolt the Entente Powers agreed on 1923-02-17 that Lithuania would take over the sovereignty of the Klaipėda Region. Further negotiations ended the signing of the Klaipėda Convention in 1924-05-08 according to which the Klaipėda Region passed to Lithuania on the basis of autonomy. Thus, since 1923-02-19 Klaipėda Region (Klaipėda County, Šilutė County, Pagėgiai County and Klaipėda City) belonged to Lithuania. </p>

Data Access

Archive Where Study was Originally Stored:

Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania = Lietuvos istorijos institutas, Lietuva

Extent of Collection:

Main files = Pagrindiniai failai <br> Data files (1, MS Excel format) = Duomenų failai (1, MS Excel formatu). <br><br> Other files = Kiti failai <br> Other files related to the dataset (2, different formats) = Kiti su duomenų rinkiniu susiję failai (2, įvairūs formatai).

Confidentiality Declaration:

<p>Siekiant užtikrinti LiDA Dataverse talpykloje saugomų duomenų konfidencialumą, prieš pradėdami naudotis konkrečiais duomenimis, vartotojai privalo sutikti su konfidencialumo deklaracija. Konfidencialumo deklaracijoje LiDA Dataverse talpyklos duomenų vartotojai įpareigojami saugoti bet kokios informacijos, prie kurios jiems suteikiama prieiga, konfidencialumą, jei ši informacija leistų identifikuoti konkrečius asmenis. Įspėjama, kad sąmoningas ar nesąmoningas šio pasižadėjimo nepaisymas užtraukia atitinkamą atsakomybę pagal galiojančius duomenų apsaugos teisės aktus.</p> <hr> <p> In order to ensure the confidentiality of the data stored in the LiDA Dataverse repository, users must agree to the confidentiality declaration before using the data. The declaration of confidentiality obliges LiDA Dataverse repository users to protect the confidentiality of any information to which they have been granted access, if this information directly or indirectly identifies specific individuals. Intentional or unintentional disregard for this obligation may incur liability under applicable data protection laws.</p>


Vartotojai įsipareigoja neperduoti LiDA saugomų duomenų, prie kurių jiems suteikiama prieiga, trečiosioms šalims. <hr> Users undertake not to transfer data curated by the LiDA and to which they have been granted access to any third parties.

Citation Requirement:

Publikacijose, parengtose LiDA saugomų duomenų išteklių pagrindu, turi būti nuoroda į LiDA išnašose ar literatūros sąraše į naudojamus išteklius. Šiuo reikalavimu siekiama, kad nuoroda į LiDA patektų į socialinių mokslų citavimo indeksus. <hr> Publications based on the data or other resources curated by the LiDA should acknowledge this by a reference to LiDA. To ensure that such attributions are captured by social science bibliographic utilities, citations must appear in the footnotes or in the reference section of publications.


Vartotojai įsipareigoja pateikti archyvui publikacijų, kuriose naudoti LiDA saugomi duomenys ar kita informacija, bibliografinius aprašus (raštu ar el. paštu: <a href=""></a>). <hr> The users are required to provide bibliographic information about all forms of publications referring to the data and other resources curated at the LiDA (in written form or by email: <a href=""></a>).


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<p>Prieiga prie LiDA vidinių dokumentų, susijusių su publikuotu duomenų rinkiniu, nesuteikiama.</p> <hr> <p>Access to the LiDA internal documents related to the published dataset is not provided.</p>

Other Study Description Materials

Related Studies

<a href="" target="_blank"> Estonian Population by Sex and Age in 1922 Census Data</a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> Estonian Population by Sex and Age in 1934 Census Data</a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> Latvian Population by Sex and Age in 1925 Census Data</a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> Latvian Population by Sex and Age in 1930 Census Data</a>

<a href=" " target="_blank"> Latvian Population by Sex and Age in 1935 Census Data</a>

File Description--f2320


  • Number of cases: 25

  • No. of variables per record: 49

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



Variable Description

List of Variables:



f2320 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:YJD8iT5EC8QgebqeFkLtWQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; Min. 479.0; Mean 8709.12; StDev 20960.765235951352; Max. 108864.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:QW8XvKfDVxtdDVEazOTsnA==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 20537.209645502804; Min. 477.0; Mean 8531.76; Valid 25.0; Max. 106647.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:IK052ZlfVuLlrQ7pn7ZVfQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 41497.866366155904; Mean 17240.879999999997; Min. 956.0; Valid 25.0; Max. 215511.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ud6xS0krVfKVeUmlmwWC4w==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 16082.460719885707; Min. 361.0; Max. 83523.0; Mean 6681.840000000002; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:jLaaGM56rZAtKEBJwpOdeA==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 84754.0; Mean 6780.319999999999; StDev 16319.444247890307; Min. 328.0; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ehISUJQufXbDcWKp6RfltA==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 32401.76139075364; Max. 168277.0; Min. 689.0; Mean 13462.159999999998; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:VTHfhgzfgywuY80oAjoGqw==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 9784.72; Min. 636.0; Valid 25.0; StDev 23553.157777532368; Max. 122309.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:dw7H8tGzpct+pjbQLwXxYA==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 9512.560000000001; StDev 22897.49758539857; Max. 118907.0; Valid 25.0; Min. 566.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:fdA4kQxQUgj7kHE1ZZZhQQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; Max. 241216.0; Mean 19297.28; Min. 1202.0; StDev 46450.378023686026

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:jKkC2+nLFoJWzwcmMAfb0w==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 117295.0; Min. 674.0; Valid 25.0; Mean 9383.599999999999; StDev 22579.862852034035;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:TfZ46oJPq2mc3xfGVlx9eA==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 675.0; Mean 10575.760000000002; StDev 25452.110186387297; Valid 25.0; Max. 132197.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:csl+xN2qa7IWl0WUM8WxAQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 48031.685600826735; Min. 1349.0; Max. 249492.0; Valid 25.0; Mean 19959.360000000004

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:sCf8d2HTXSfHYc9Yp8Jkng==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 1176.0; Max. 101721.0; Mean 8137.680000000001; StDev 19633.107694062768; Valid 25.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:AxSom+h0ani3hmoyq5/uEA==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; StDev 22462.972308297343; Min. 581.0; Max. 116668.0; Mean 9333.439999999999

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:M89q0HMM8JjbL6Kk6mcNYg==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; StDev 42069.3061103936; Min. 1757.0; Mean 17471.120000000003; Max. 218389.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:lH+ADLNdMvl47OIbF1jHZQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 82692.0; Min. 395.0; StDev 15927.111625778229; Valid 25.0; Mean 6615.36;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:7qht+Oygx/NxYYcXbi5G5w==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 88616.0; Valid 25.0; Min. 452.0; StDev 17062.30594400026; Mean 7089.280000000001

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:3xnj9iu78bvb+jFCJz7/ZA==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 13704.639999999998; Valid 25.0; StDev 32987.085532169505; Min. 847.0; Max. 171308.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:x7L5sgyqp9NrAxlcfokRQg==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 314.0; Max. 55935.0; Valid 25.0; StDev 10767.774313509113; Mean 4474.799999999999

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:8YhusP6BDEyvtwoONLmyUQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 65572.0; Valid 25.0; StDev 12628.61404140085; Mean 5245.759999999998; Min. 342.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:HiLOMvkPGFacgjncHt0Kxw==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; Max. 121507.0; Mean 9720.560000000001; Min. 656.0; StDev 23394.29849001675;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ClNmV3ohXoMIv3FoNED5LA==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 8213.270042640344; Max. 42659.0; Mean 3412.7199999999993; Min. 241.0; Valid 25.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:q/qFIpv6lLZST3vUijbr9w==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; Mean 4364.240000000001; Min. 287.0; StDev 10504.41829771327; Max. 54553.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RMjQWWZW/EuFOq+iyi/zUw==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; StDev 18716.870964631526; Min. 528.0; Mean 7776.959999999999; Max. 97212.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:AqeXhtVegMYOQ4E4qJT0tQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 38062.0; Valid 25.0; Min. 211.0; StDev 7327.868565051278; Mean 3044.9600000000005

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:nbE7iG9XWP/zBGqtUbo7sg==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 265.0; StDev 10315.711617075513; Mean 4285.600000000001; Max. 53570.0; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:pdA+KFr7Ml5axksPKc7QQw==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 476.0; Max. 91632.0; StDev 17642.463672155693; Mean 7330.560000000001; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ck1r3OILQkVee49dPy+r7w==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 3144.0; Min. 189.0; Max. 39300.0; StDev 7567.8006602535015; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:Pb+mwDUQixbdYg/2FHDP+w==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 8576.720564411553; Max. 44552.0; Valid 25.0; Min. 248.0; Mean 3564.1599999999994;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:OFlRWpyOl0GyPr2QmiWSMw==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; Min. 437.0; Max. 83852.0; Mean 6708.159999999998; StDev 16143.707266506868;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4I/JHYHNuqzQqPO8zyXKvQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 14018.364416959159; Min. 358.0; Valid 25.0; Mean 5824.480000000002; Max. 72806.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:TV14EpBFORkyuxSWFeLjtg==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 86956.0; Mean 6956.480000000002; Min. 453.0; Valid 25.0; StDev 16746.563259666145;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:U6PJZgajQIL2lCN+M3tXAQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 811.0; Max. 159762.0; Mean 12780.960000000005; StDev 30764.07499622463; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ICc/1PU18oskc8S5Un7rYA==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 287.0; StDev 12156.833479158953; Max. 63092.0; Mean 5047.36; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:C/FibL23jxgmDyJSgtRlQw==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 313.0; Valid 25.0; Mean 5235.68; StDev 12609.526460577335; Max. 65446.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:zbWjgJ3LFDqVTOxRw7iniw==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 600.0; Max. 128538.0; Mean 10283.039999999997; StDev 24765.64316494392; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5Wg1jRpp3ZbxqQ3xlsjzog==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; Max. 27116.0; Mean 2169.28; StDev 5229.648000582832; Min. 109.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:ecma2UJ0zW43Sh6qSd9FwQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 29063.0; Valid 25.0; Min. 113.0; Mean 2325.0399999999995; StDev 5607.363480876433

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:nzSVJ3As652JlNv4ai5Z6w==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 10836.46022201592; Min. 222.0; Max. 56179.0; Valid 25.0; Mean 4494.32;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xeZ7a4I+Hg3Yd0BbwEId9w==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean 950.9600000000002; Max. 11887.0; Valid 25.0; Min. 32.0; StDev 2297.7290687401187;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:nV46OgAbYUSITiVRXHoU0A==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 42.0; StDev 2585.7185120065437; Mean 1070.16; Max. 13377.0; Valid 25.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:73YRzH2oySEytgsTcTbtsQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 4882.900609269044; Mean 2021.1200000000006; Valid 25.0; Max. 25264.0; Min. 74.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:5aCsBYTWvax+dPwPQV2WJQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Valid 25.0; Max. 299.0; Mean 23.91999999999999; StDev 58.60952709813198

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:RtdizlZoUVnF4GYwKjV/9A==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev 103.97270475145548; Min. 0.0; Max. 533.0; Valid 25.0; Mean 42.64000000000001;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:JKvgjPd7Z4h75J1frWFs/w==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 832.0; Valid 25.0; Mean 66.56000000000002; StDev 162.2857767437841; Min. 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:3fMNn7Mrn6F11eTm6qT03A==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. 967560.0; Min. 5462.0; Valid 25.0; StDev 186273.48261136544; Mean 77404.79999999999

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:70yeAy2FIRgDeaACKEqcSg==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; Mean 84912.88; Max. 1061411.0; StDev 204376.55322107443; Min. 5142.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:xLSH1wC+IdcjCgVdlYRSjQ==


f2320 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 25.0; Max. 2028971.0; Min. 10604.0; StDev 390641.7981053444; Mean 162317.68000000005;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:qmbuGBof/vY1bUXw7a8Uzw==

Other Study-Related Materials




LiDA vidiniai dokumentai, susiję su publikuotu duomenų rinkiniu, prie kurių prieiga nesuteikiama = LiDA internal documents related to the published dataset, to which access is not provided.

