View: |
Part 1: Document Description
Citation |
Title: |
Students‘ Environmental Citizenship in Technological University, November 2020 - January 2021 |
Identification Number: |
hdl:21.12137/RZJ0FL |
Distributor: |
Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA) |
Date of Distribution: |
2021-12-22 |
Version: |
2 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Telešienė, Audronė; Boeve-de Pauw, Jelle; Goldman, Daphne; Hansmann, Ralph, 2021, "Students‘ Environmental Citizenship in Technological University, November 2020 - January 2021",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:UGiEaK7vKurn95Bd5OucBg== [fileUNF] |
Citation |
Title: |
Students‘ Environmental Citizenship in Technological University, November 2020 - January 2021 |
Identification Number: |
hdl:21.12137/RZJ0FL |
Identification Number: |
LiDA_SurveyData_0430 |
Authoring Entity: |
Telešienė, Audronė (Research Group – Civil Society and Sustainable Development, Institute of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania [Project Leader]) |
Boeve-de Pauw, Jelle (University of Antwerp & Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Netherlands [Project Member]) |
Goldman, Daphne (Beit Berl College, Israel [Project Member]) |
Hansmann, Ralph (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Switzerland [Project Member]) |
Other identifications and acknowledgements: |
Žvaliauskas, Giedrius |
Date of Production: |
2021-01-31 |
Software used in Production: |
Grant Number: |
COST Action ENEC (European Network for Environmental Citizenship) (CA16229) |
Distributor: |
Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA) |
Distributor: |
Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities |
Access Authority: |
Žvaliauskas, Giedrius |
Depositor: |
Telešienė, Audronė (Research Group – Civil Society and Sustainable Development, Institute of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania) |
Date of Deposit: |
2021-12-22 |
Date of Distribution: |
2021-06-09 |
Series Name: |
Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour Surveys |
Series Information: |
<p>Dataverse collection “Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour Surveys” contains surveys which aim to analyze environmental attitudes, environmental values, environmentally significant behaviors of different populations, as well as climate change perceptions, climate change attitudes, climate change behaviors, energy attitudes, energy technology acceptance, environmental knowledge and environmental education, education for sustainable development, and elements of environmental citizenship. </p> |
Holdings Information: | |
Study Scope |
Keywords: |
Social Sciences, environmental conservation, sustainability, environmental awareness |
Topic Classification: |
Environment and conservation |
Abstract: |
<b><i>The purpose of the study</i></b>: to evaluate a case of an educational intervention designed to foster environmental citizenship among undergraduate students of a technological university. <br> <b><i>Major investigated questions</i></b>: firstly, the respondents were asked which of the optional KTU alternative study programmes they were studying. A block of questions asked whether they had ever been involved in different environmental organisations, associations or groups outside school or university. They were asked whether they often sort glass, cans, plastics, newspapers or similar items for recycling and whether they often avoid buying certain products for environmental reasons. A block of questions was used to investigate knowledge of environmental problems and solutions and social activities before entering university. It asked about the university modules in which the respondents had studied environmental values, problems/behaviour and citizenship-related topics. In the following blocks of questions, respondents assessed the importance of civic and political participation and their competences in relation to raising environmental issues in the public sphere. They also assessed statements about humanity's relationship with the environment and wanted to know about their intentions to act in the future as students, based on environmental citizenship at university, and in society as citizens in the future, after graduation. A further block of questions assessed respondents' general environmental attitudes. At the end of the questionnaire, respondents were asked whether they had lived in an urban or rural environment when they were children (aged 6-14) and young people (aged 15-18). Accordingly, they were asked how often they had had experiences in nature and how positive they were about these experiences. Finally, they were asked to describe their relationship with nature and to indicate the extent to which the respondents were interested in nature when they were children (6-14 years) and young people (15-18 years). <br> <b><i>Socio-demographic characteristics</i></b>: field of study, gender, age, mother tongue, most spoken language, type of accommodation, social class, working status. <br><br> This study is partly based on work from Cost Action ENEC – European Network for Environmental Citizenship (CA16229) supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). |
Time Period: |
2020-11-01-2021-01-31 |
Date of Collection: |
2020-11-01-2021-01-31 |
Country: |
Lithuania |
Geographic Coverage: |
Kaunas City |
Unit of Analysis: |
Individual <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for AnalysisUnit</a>) |
Universe: |
The research was conducted with first-year students of Kaunas University of Technology, who are studying general university modules ("Sustainable Development" or "Media Philosophy") in the autumn semester of 2020, in different fields of study (humanities, social sciences, arts, technology, natural sciences, engineering). Participants are divided into two population groups. The first population consists of students who chose 'Sustainable Development' as a general university elective course in the autumn semester 2020 (N1 = 205). This is the intervention population in which we expect changes in students' environmental citizenship. The second population of students (N2 = 268) are those who have chosen "Media Philosophy" as a common university elective course in the autumn semester 2020. This is the control group. |
Kind of Data: |
Survey data |
Notes: |
<p> The main language of the study is Lithuanian (lit) and English (eng). <p> Standardized questionnaire was provided for the respondents in Lithuanian (lit) and English (eng). </p> <p> Dataset (data and (or) metadata) “Students‘ Environmental Citizenship in Technological University, November 2020 – January 2021” from 2021-06-09 to 2021-10-01 was available on the portal of Lithuanian Data Archive for Humanities and Social Sciences (LiDA); object PID:; produced by Žvaliauskas Giedrius 2021-06-09. </p> |
Methodology and Processing |
Time Method: |
Cross-section <a href="" target="_blank"> (Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for TimeMethod</a>) |
Data Collector: |
Telešienė, Audronė (Research Group – Civil Society and Sustainable Development, Institute of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania) |
Sampling Procedure: |
<b> Probability: Simple random </b><a href="" target="_blank">(DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for SamplingProcedure</a>) </p> <p><b>Sampling frame</b>: lists of Kaunas University of Technology first-year students studying general university modules ("Sustainable Development" or "Media Philosophy") in the autumn semester of 2020 in different fields of study (humanities, social sciences, arts, technology, natural sciences, engineering). </p> <p> <b>Sampling design</b>: participants in the intervention population were randomly assigned to a pre-intervention group (PIG) or a wait-list (post-intervention) group (POG) by systematic sampling. Participants in the control group were randomly assigned to the pre-intervention control group (PCG) or the wait-list control group. </p> |
Mode of Data Collection: |
Self- administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI) <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for ModeOfCollection</a>) |
Type of Research Instrument: |
Structured questionnaire <a href="" target="_blank"> (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for TypeOfInstrument)</a> |
Sources Statement |
Notes: |
<p>The survey is based on the "Environmental Citizenship Questionnaire", validated by Andreas Ch. Hadjichambis and Demetra Paraskeva-Hadjichambi (see Hadjichambis, C., & Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D. (2020). Environmental citizenship questionnaire (ECQ): the development and validation of an evaluation instrument for secondary school students. Sustainability, 12(3), 821. </p> <b><i>Methodological strategy</i></b>: A randomized pre-group – post-group quasi experimental survey design explores students' (N=473) environmental citizenship attributes before and after an intervention course. Four research questions were put forward: <p>RQ1. Is the environmental citizenship questionnaire a reliable and valid instrument for measuring higher education students' environmental citizenship?<p/> <p>RQ2. What are the environmental citizenship characteristics of first year undergraduate students in a large technical Lithuanian university?<p/> <p>RQ3. How do the EC characteristics correlate with background variables (gender and nature experience)?<p/> <p>RQ4. What is the impact of students’ participation in a general elective course ‘Sustainable development’ on their environmental citizenship?<p/> |
Data Access |
Archive Where Study was Originally Stored: |
Mokslo grupė – Pilietinė visuomenė ir darnus vystymasis, Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakultetas, Kauno technologijos universitetas. Lietuva = Research Group – Civil Society and Sustainable Development, Institute of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania |
Extent of Collection: |
<b>Pagrindiniai failai = Major files</b> <p>Duomenų failai (1, SPSS SAV formatu) = Data files (1, SPSS SAV format).</p> <p>Klausimynai (1, PDF formatu) = Questionnaires (1, PDF format).</p> <p>Kortelės(1, PDF formatu) = Showcards(1, PDF format).</p> <b>Kiti failai = Other files</b> <p>Sintaksės failai (1, SPSS SPS formatu) = Syntax files (1, SPSS SPS format).</p> <p>Originalūs depozitoriaus pateikti duomenų failai (1, SPSS SAV formatu) = Original data files deposited by the depositor (1, SPSS SAV format).</p> <p>Kiti su duomenų rinkiniu susiję failai (2, įvairūs formatai) = Other files related to the dataset (2, different formats). </p> |
Confidentiality Declaration: |
<p>Siekiant užtikrinti LiDA Dataverse talpykloje saugomų duomenų konfidencialumą, prieš pradėdami naudotis konkrečiais duomenimis, vartotojai privalo sutikti su konfidencialumo deklaracija. Konfidencialumo deklaracijoje LiDA Dataverse talpyklos duomenų vartotojai įpareigojami saugoti bet kokios informacijos, prie kurios jiems suteikiama prieiga, konfidencialumą, jei ši informacija leistų identifikuoti konkrečius asmenis. Įspėjama, kad sąmoningas ar nesąmoningas šio pasižadėjimo nepaisymas užtraukia atitinkamą atsakomybę pagal galiojančius duomenų apsaugos teisės aktus.</p> <hr> <p> In order to ensure the confidentiality of the data stored in the LiDA Dataverse repository, users must agree to the confidentiality declaration before using the data. The declaration of confidentiality obliges LiDA Dataverse repository users to protect the confidentiality of any information to which they have been granted access, if this information directly or indirectly identifies specific individuals. Intentional or unintentional disregard for this obligation may incur liability under applicable data protection laws.</p> |
Restrictions: |
Vartotojai įsipareigoja neperduoti LiDA saugomų duomenų, prie kurių jiems suteikiama prieiga, trečiosioms šalims. <hr> Users undertake not to transfer data curated by the LiDA and to which they have been granted access to any third parties. |
Citation Requirement: |
Publikacijose, parengtose LiDA saugomų duomenų išteklių pagrindu, turi būti nuoroda į LiDA išnašose ar literatūros sąraše į naudojamus išteklius. Šiuo reikalavimu siekiama, kad nuoroda į LiDA patektų į socialinių mokslų citavimo indeksus. <hr> Publications based on the data or other resources curated by the LiDA should acknowledge this by a reference to LiDA. To ensure that such attributions are captured by social science bibliographic utilities, citations must appear in the footnotes or in the reference section of publications. |
Conditions: |
Vartotojai įsipareigoja pateikti archyvui publikacijų, kuriose naudoti LiDA saugomi duomenys ar kita informacija, bibliografinius aprašus (raštu ar el. paštu: <a href=""></a>). <hr> The users are required to provide bibliographic information about all forms of publications referring to the data and other resources curated at the LiDA (in written form or by email: <a href=""></a>). |
Disclaimer: |
Lietuvos humanitarinių ir socialinių mokslų duomenų archyvas (LiDA) neatsako už trečiųjų asmenų (institucijų) išvadas ir interpretacijas gautas naudojant LiDA saugomus duomenis. LiDA neatsako už netiesioginę, atsitiktinę, ar kitokią žalą, ar nuostolius, atsiradusius naudojant LiDA saugomus duomenis, arba negalint jų pasiekti, arba dėl nesankcionuoto jų panaudojimo įsilaužus į sistemą. <hr> The Lithuanian Data Archive for Humanities and Social Sciences (LiDA) bears no responsibility for the uses of the data archived therein, or for interpretations or inferences based on these uses. The LiDA accepts no liability for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses arising from use of the data collection, or from the unavailability of, or break in access to the service for whatever reason. |
Notes: |
<p>Jei norite gauti depozitoriaus perduotą tyrimo duomenų failą, ankstesnes duomenų failų versijas SPSS formatu arba pirminio apdorojimo SPSS komandų sintaksę, rašykite </p> <p>Prieiga prie LiDA vidinių dokumentų, susijusių su publikuotu duomenų rinkiniu, nesuteikiama.</p> <hr> <p>If you would like to get the original data file submitted by the depositor, earlier versions of the data files in SPSS format or pre-processing syntaxes in SPSS format, write to</p> <p>Access to the LiDA internal documents related to the published dataset is not provided.</P> |
Other Study Description Materials |
Related Publications |
Citation |
Title: |
Telešienė, A., Boeve-de Pauw, J., Goldman, D., & Hansmann, R. (2021). Evaluating an educational intervention designed to foster environmental citizenship among undergraduate university students. Sustainability, 13 (15), 8219. |
Identification Number: |
10.3390/su13158219 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Telešienė, A., Boeve-de Pauw, J., Goldman, D., & Hansmann, R. (2021). Evaluating an educational intervention designed to foster environmental citizenship among undergraduate university students. Sustainability, 13 (15), 8219. |
File Description--f1271 |
File: |
Notes: |
UNF:6:UGiEaK7vKurn95Bd5OucBg== |
Survey |
List of Variables: |
Variables |
f1271 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:PVQ48ndrAyb+/BkZkdgFNQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:f4U8VaJbMV/9xmT2WQemqQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 245.0; StDev 0.5005182994486531; Min. 1.0; Max. 2.0; Mean 1.4775510204081626 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:O/jE+8pVJVpXLxzX5vkw2Q== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 245.0; Mean 1.844897959183674; StDev 0.36274297932998667; Max. 2.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:OslOth7sYQwxWo0lwN7fCw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Mean 2.4489795918367365; StDev 1.0762187999284836; Min. 1.0; Valid 245.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:mNj9Z/brNAL7UrtEpQAMLA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 8.607912241355924E7; Valid 245.0; Mean 1.223420951649796E10; Max. 1.2352496981E10; Min. 1.2140235776E10 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:0zRDGSIV1HcZ7qRiKOJtfA== |
f1271 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:pVvf6H9GpFJvDoPfFEh4cQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:c3HmyJFXVfH0it9juYo+8A== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Mean 1.546938775510204; Valid 245.0; StDev 0.49881089784603827; Max. 2.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:BxFwdNRUL9ovZ5utNw4tGQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8512286202510042; Min. 1.0; Valid 245.0; Mean 2.685714285714286; Max. 5.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:8zCDOiwmKZp/EE5OHvTgAA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.6344927923002278; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; Valid 206.0; Mean 3.6553398058252426; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:rnjeF2PNo2Zi8bmSNn8Zfw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Mean 3.8155339805825244; StDev 0.48885276980600545; Max. 4.0; Valid 206.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:bID8JodngkFMOD5gBvbzuQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.9029126213592233; StDev 0.3954512854410741; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; Valid 206.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:pSzkFyJBydKzXYTQjoUq+g== |
An organization collecting money for an environmental purpose |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.5427497717228316; Max. 4.0; Valid 206.0; Mean 3.8349514563106792; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:7U/mzdwMPBGTmAyHVM1IuQ== |
A group of young people campaigning for an environmental issue |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 206.0; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.6580707168950483; Mean 3.7281553398058254 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Ltlj9um8b8MUwfZOP4P7gQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 206.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.6846823787306473; Mean 3.7135922330097086; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:deUzZlMOJUMoiXa9JfkXIw== |
How often do you make a special effort to sort glass or tins or plastic or newspapers and so on for recycling? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.941595941489173; Valid 204.0; Mean 2.0098039215686274; Max. 5.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ydDbdOujeEMSVsu5H0FkYA== |
And how often do you avoid buying certain products for environmental reasons? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 204.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.8480392156862746; StDev 0.6815268850208914; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:yeZKUXrrSd0A6V1DOfZXWA== |
How to contribute to the prevention of environmental problems |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.7337993857053428; Valid 183.0; Mean 3.0; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:bJTq+SSo2jcKUZOKyBR5sg== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 183.0; Mean 2.9234972677595628; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.744684318945017; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:oLBvRgVU8FKFQdPtvHXrIQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Mean 2.9562841530054644; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.7473406082553595; Valid 183.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Uz9XtVsAha18TCBKIWfQCg== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8769895499662553; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; Valid 183.0; Mean 2.3224043715846996 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:1YMTYp1eKmH8DDrpM3gXVw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8278538400128057; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.628415300546448; Min. 1.0; Valid 183.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:jauOSsu8jSCxsmdNjyJZeg== |
How to assess structural causes of environmental degradation and problems (roots) |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 183.0; StDev 0.8643683524817372; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.3224043715846996 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:a/yNxs0rlg8tOd2/1tREKA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 183.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.7941644487640948; Mean 2.721311475409836 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:EViodu7HvRO/8rVJnnFxdQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Valid 183.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.8652710147819573; Mean 2.4098360655737703; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:3hW9US1qx3H9Zgc7NxdZ3A== |
How to act and network at a local level (community, town, area) |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Valid 183.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.300546448087432; StDev 0.7861086010983661 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:B1v7nOvn1/+hFTmpH6hHYQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 2.087431693989071; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.8726651513968564; Valid 183.0; Max. 4.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Tx9RbMXdN/gKwk+RZpV9/Q== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8707018202352653; Min. 1.0; Mean 2.010928961748634; Valid 183.0; Max. 4.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:sDv4DNGu4OhiaTzbQx6HYQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 183.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 1.9781420765027324; StDev 1.1141264954372236; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:VKVxt6As6WAQirpXOAdyeQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 2.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 1.1813570144560008; Max. 4.0; Valid 183.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:IW+J/oZZOQZcVZF/+BpIhA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Valid 183.0; Mean 2.14207650273224; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.9267277031973391 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:xp3g6XmNjfU5WsPDV73i3w== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.0765027322404372; StDev 0.8351118953408262; Valid 183.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:pq+/feVc6CLevjg++8RFsw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.5508982035928147; Valid 167.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.66458323415298; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:RVQx7slX/vAdArCiz9WsYA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 1.9401197604790419; Max. 4.0; Valid 167.0; StDev 0.6916071627005741; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:LmdnafKg0WQN+i9S+ABisw== |
Following environmental issues in the newspaper, on the radio, on TV, or on the Internet |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 167.0; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.6952485945194196; Mean 3.215568862275449 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:f4effo2fQv9vpbxpDWpHog== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.7076932004543101; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Valid 167.0; Mean 2.92814371257485 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:NUEi4qWd5BHkGtj9OuTh/g== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 0.7089663515580863; Mean 2.748502994011976; Valid 167.0; Max. 4.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Wv9OuU50dWn7Lbd9ZRTD8g== |
Making personal efforts to protect natural resources (e.g., through saving water or recycling waste) |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 167.0; StDev 0.6874219069445776; Mean 3.6407185628742513; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:tdBOjTIBwzCBB+R5mwxDSw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 2.0; Mean 3.6766467065868262; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.5407431419039883; Valid 167.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:CQSC72l6nbkiwKDqjJIeQQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 167.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.6713874651389593; Mean 3.0838323353293413 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:RXU1TdWjXVQFlAkaMgAVVg== |
Engaging in activities to help people in less developed countries |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.7942056227722492; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.9580838323353293; Valid 167.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:fjNGaEGEG7oNVC/D7jUPKg== |
Participating in peaceful protests against laws believed to be unjust |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; StDev 0.8213126721577714; Mean 2.9880239520958085; Valid 167.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:xkqcoWoQVJPuH1rDfBO0Ww== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 167.0; Mean 2.7964071856287425; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.7159030202519666 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:YlZySxFAKkbwfb2OF2svNg== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 167.0; Mean 3.287425149700599; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.7037061647816044 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:V0tLEdXcbza/5cUS+0dWuA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Mean 2.475; StDev 0.7519367028091172; Min. 1.0; Valid 160.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:UMW2LvnZA+Q34jv7/yIxcg== |
Argue your point of view about a controversial environmental issue |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 160.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.7333047450116519; Mean 2.625; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:oRfwKDT4qGNYSzcxNnjDMw== |
Organize a group of students to achieve environmental changes at school |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.21875; Valid 160.0; StDev 0.8292747077298952 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:fwOZfzmISZFAKnPYqi62ww== |
Follow a television debate about a controversial environmental issue |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 2.7; Valid 160.0; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.8600131635675319; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:vCPoZJ6GYXDrA8sE6T57bw== |
Write a letter or email to a newspaper giving your view on a current environmental issue |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 0.8846836125641879; Mean 2.23125; Max. 4.0; Valid 160.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:uuCW2SGNCMF0frUneKJV2w== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.8444230660429692; Mean 2.4375; Valid 160.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:OdCk0jg9bENzkHLwgOtd5A== |
We need stricter laws and regulations to protect the environment |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Valid 151.0; Mean 2.9271523178807946; StDev 0.6840988013276481; Max. 4.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:WDact5LknhGGwTVF4WKDsA== |
It is important to take measures against problems which have to do with climate change |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 151.0; Mean 3.437086092715232; Min. 2.0; StDev 0.6063679734330454; Max. 4.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:rkoPvFDZ6xByJLKi/meRkw== |
Everyone ought to be given the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, values, and skills that are necessary to live sustainably |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 151.0; Max. 4.0; Min. 2.0; StDev 0.5653731503325903; Mean 3.390728476821192 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:CHRWbP5kpAWb7MZOYK77rg== |
We who are living now should make sure that people in the future enjoy the same quality of life as we do today |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Valid 151.0; StDev 0.6286043969451052; Mean 3.443708609271523; Max. 4.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:A8FSHR80j5BHpsrRFxdUQg== |
Women and men throughout the world must be given the same opportunities for education and employment |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 151.0; Min. 2.0; Mean 3.662251655629139; StDev 0.5277299463241032; Max. 4.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:gGEmDUfhYynNsRdXuG7jbA== |
Companies have a responsibility to reduce the use of packaging and disposable articles |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.6759834630995836; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Valid 151.0; Mean 3.410596026490066; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:xNzEo2yeJt3d62CQP4YlWw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.357615894039735; Valid 151.0; StDev 0.646471147702944; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:kqKQQOnWw+RMszrsfHlQOw== |
Companies in rich countries should give employees in poor nations the same conditions as in rich countries |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.4172185430463577; Valid 151.0; StDev 0.7151467531823072; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:w8ILxBpd0Uk4QrLL1/mUQA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.7590450746084563; Min. 1.0; Valid 145.0; Mean 3.2758620689655173; Max. 4.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:USsgI0a3Ej7k894BYt3XmA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.6534611650686467; Min. 1.0; Mean 3.4275862068965517; Max. 4.0; Valid 145.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:l1EFC/rEbKFgnGd68ZOPwQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.503448275862069; Valid 145.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.6468313571540127; Max. 4.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:+TshBwds+EVsosoW8/BVGg== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8444658698633027; Mean 3.1724137931034484; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Valid 145.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:T8ZjJaEs/4A5TJr/jPQgrA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.715054321008088; Valid 145.0; Mean 3.3655172413793104; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:oFaWSjFC7Ptcv3PR4OdppA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 2.896551724137931; Min. 1.0; Valid 145.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.8226324440058477; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:BHaukui2jH4S/4EX7OGBxg== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Valid 145.0; Mean 3.4689655172413794; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.6775689019267619 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Z5flJAwwilO4ov5viBlkFw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 145.0; StDev 0.6066363513961642; Min. 2.0; Mean 3.593103448275862; Max. 4.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:nsJL2Z7OONChkTDwnUYRQA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Valid 145.0; Mean 3.1448275862068966; StDev 0.7726156003475352; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:JQ5UrG9wU/cZ/6nLRJWT2w== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 3.43448275862069; Valid 145.0; StDev 0.6953595503152021; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:TgjOfPJ5rWbGqhqgP/CCTA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 145.0; Mean 3.510344827586207; StDev 0.6782047521388768; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Fzy6X3/chYVYIl4HUl2bLg== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 1.8551724137931034; Valid 145.0; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.8247837287639203 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:fc31ffHj6i8uyQOHRJXyBg== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 2.317241379310345; Valid 145.0; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.918206647915306 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:w8TwQ9NKYwG+by5nD6/MCQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 2.2896551724137932; StDev 0.8968869105233941; Valid 145.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:1VYrDTC1gO5D5BOTF4TMGA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 145.0; StDev 0.7691987172809552; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 3.2 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:zC2YpiXHWNU4A+CnVSrH8w== |
Join a group of students campaigning for an environmental issue you agree with |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 0.7769691378562212; Max. 4.0; Valid 144.0; Mean 2.3402777777777777; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:yBX6SkF8wu4Fni1PWTN26A== |
Take part in environmental discussions in a 'student assembly' |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.7753736848799757; Mean 2.236111111111111; Valid 144.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:up4TM4oQ9U+V9vi2j3BGug== |
Participate in writing articles for a school newspaper or website regarding an environmental issue |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8040000521866176; Valid 144.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.0625; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:L468VqmJrmRefkALSNIQew== |
Organize a group of students to achieve environmental changes at school |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; StDev 0.8056895100692247; Valid 144.0; Mean 2.0347222222222223 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ebeWVzudWsWv3046iYqDbA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 2.75177304964539; StDev 0.698529356871525; Valid 141.0; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:B66XKshAAkVGy1FS0FPNMw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Mean 2.099290780141844; StDev 0.7201682793328549; Valid 141.0; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ICnJhByEZEL0xJozf62nLg== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8046219070929276; Valid 141.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 2.6808510638297873; Max. 4.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Cl340UKKRoulwDZEC4XZ5w== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Valid 141.0; StDev 0.8516626566008573; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.3900709219858154 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:sLlpTVh0xFu84IvdFQueNg== |
Contribute to an online discussion forum about environmental issues |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8270380248998179; Min. 1.0; Valid 141.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.269503546099291 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:fBMy/G1hsFKT8FKX6JDyag== |
Organize an online group to take a stance on a controversial environmental issue |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.7553926359502191; Valid 141.0; Mean 2.028368794326241; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:h7EeX3b97DmMdMvn2rm2hg== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; StDev 0.7805253731660666; Min. 1.0; Valid 141.0; Mean 2.2624113475177303 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:JwvOMz5oJIrFthCD8AQwdA== |
Choose to buy certain products in support of social justice (e.g., fair trade, ethically sourced products) |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.7588652482269502; StDev 0.8693241152910373; Valid 141.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:TZL58w+AwuAQYGY+7ebfKA== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; StDev 0.8055657454315973; Valid 141.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 1.553191489361702; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:5b1nK4YH3cIIrM98+BoenQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 1.574468085106383; StDev 0.8555202473448673; Valid 141.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:EbSQvE6olOvAPTVsJbOtkQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 141.0; Mean 1.5602836879432624; StDev 0.8973675336086501; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:xLZQv5Ugg/7LWR2p8X+K9w== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.75177304964539; Valid 141.0; StDev 0.7479116484183934 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:BdmFZqKaApBDOXQFZsFPiA== |
I would educate my peers but also adults to act in eco-friendly ways |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 2.978723404255319; Min. 1.0; Valid 141.0; StDev 0.7508860014902683; Max. 4.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:EqjyuKfEM4pwmbaolm7HDw== |
I would actively participate in decision-making and also engage in action-taking |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 141.0; Mean 2.74468085106383; StDev 0.73099008513062; Max. 4.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:zVeQT7gwxC+GibfzouZxlg== |
If we continue as we have been doing, we are heading for an environmental disaster. |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; Mean 3.392857142857143; StDev 0.6753248999201868; Min. 1.0; Valid 140.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:WFdIyzZNQp8uQcRBHeyRgQ== |
The importance of the environmental problems is greatly exaggerated by many environmentalists. |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; StDev 0.9406597147053105; Valid 140.0; Min. 1.0; Mean 2.007142857142857; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:2Jpnwvlyz5afdaJNyu+U0g== |
For the sake of the environment, we should all be prepared to reduce our current standard of living. |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 4.0; StDev 0.8159509486899553; Mean 2.557142857142857; Valid 140.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:Q3niGjUgLdZJ8nwnGZWszA== |
Environmental protection measures should be enforced even if they result in job losses. |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.7557589788558746; Min. 1.0; Valid 140.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 2.392857142857143; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:PAvh9BHb5TJ7QNAWMTVlAg== |
It is still the case that politicians do far too little for the environment. |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.6687873088977175; Min. 1.0; Valid 140.0; Max. 4.0; Mean 3.314285714285714 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:j/sXBUgyuGdqFRfK4gl7cw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.2142857142857144; Max. 4.0; Valid 140.0; StDev 0.6655523403760677; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:2PiCUPI7Bw4sCLYKsTGwbg== |
What is your main study area (scientific field of your studies)? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; StDev 2.532664306458445; Valid 140.0; Max. 9.0; Mean 5.400000000000001; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:/Ccl3XcDHdmo9Nkn43xUVg== |
f1271 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:A6SXMlJogaMo9uL1grs5nw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 3.0; Valid 140.0; StDev 0.5524401629202927; Mean 1.5642857142857143 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:8xzsJjyCVbvygwTi+ytz6Q== |
f1271 Location: |
Variable Format: character Notes: UNF:6:AqvJz8rSN4Yx3E0Q8UcXLw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 0.0; Max. 4.0; Valid 140.0; Mean 3.085714285714286; StDev 1.0694294470606713 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:9cak3Jd1WJb5lcYaYA+1WQ== |
If you were asked to use one of four names for your social class, which would you say you belong in: the lower class, the working class, the middle class, or the upper class? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.6128542911151535; Mean 2.1459854014598543; Min. 1.0; Max. 4.0; Valid 137.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:W3suhUq1NgsWcfzO1rd63w== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 1.856115107913669; Min. 1.0; StDev 0.35224232187632104; Max. 2.0; Valid 139.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:RHTxUDuNX6aJ/4PpMbsqkA== |
When you were a child (6 - 14 years old) did you live in urban surroundings or rural surroundings? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 140.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 5.0; StDev 1.3720900254818276; Mean 2.7285714285714286 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:4yAXiJg9ezAMU82XGxsgtQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 1.1420217913155906; Valid 140.0; Max. 6.0; Mean 4.928571428571429; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:L/Mw3M52T7uKbvWxArufLA== |
How positive do you rate your experiences in nature when you were a child in hindsight? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 6.0; Mean 1.6214285714285714; StDev 0.9631173691735085; Valid 140.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:HX779girkfx6ibYJs9YFWw== |
How would you describe your connection to nature when you were a child? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 6.0; Mean 4.821428571428571; Valid 140.0; Min. 2.0; StDev 0.998328510564103; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:8VyQe3aoBrTdHAcrIT9wIw== |
How much were you interested in nature when you were a child? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 140.0; StDev 0.9429785963072141; Min. 1.0; Max. 5.0; Mean 3.4 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:i9mk64XwPXo8L+ORXVVQQg== |
When you were a 15 to 18 year old youth, did you live in urban surroundings or rural surroundings? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 1.3623177155376907; Min. 1.0; Valid 140.0; Max. 5.0; Mean 2.585714285714286 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ljewxnYatP7WhyWhgb+eIA== |
How often did you experience nature when you were between 15 and 18 years old? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 6.0; Valid 140.0; StDev 1.2036899417407674; Mean 4.392857142857143; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:0GjizKbHhCXEKdAlut/cZQ== |
How positive do you rate your experiences in nature when you were between 15 and 18 years old in hindsight? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 140.0; StDev 1.0809715473246206; Max. 5.0; Mean 2.064285714285714; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:zy9nwlnSt1lbTlFyVb6u7g== |
How would you describe your connection to nature when you were between 15 and 18 years old? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 2.0; Mean 4.464285714285714; StDev 1.1214758665343227; Max. 6.0; Valid 140.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:uRhr6lah1mN2i6dE3Z9wXQ== |
How much were you interest in nature when you were between 15 and 18 years old? |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; Max. 5.0; Mean 3.2214285714285715; StDev 0.921898706516654; Valid 140.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:6tMdD6tCNI7IxWfZX4vGnw== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: StDev 0.8328741454988824; Mean 3.1357142857142857; Min. 1.0; Valid 140.0; Max. 5.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:gLs43wUXokZe/D18qBK4JQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 0.9690747433354181; Valid 140.0; Max. 5.0; Mean 3.3214285714285716 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:s37Rccn9kuDE/CZKg3Daag== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.3285714285714283; StDev 0.8348769533502263; Valid 140.0; Min. 1.0; Max. 5.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:ihRbl3Xe9pmtVV40zsklgQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 5.0; Valid 140.0; StDev 1.1201921359200766; Mean 3.435714285714286; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:omvcJn4djCTbHjJ5TB1log== |
Topics and/or activities that required my analytical thinking |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.3714285714285714; Max. 5.0; Valid 140.0; StDev 0.7987657488149817; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:vYdHwjQjMdN7jIEsI30l6g== |
Topics and/or activities that made me to think of relations between different real-world issues |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Min. 1.0; StDev 0.742589286834158; Valid 140.0; Max. 5.0; Mean 3.45; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:82rG8XgN82UOp7X/Fdoo3g== |
Topics and/or activities that made me to reflect upon my value system |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.414285714285714; StDev 0.7392949614884574; Max. 5.0; Valid 140.0; Min. 1.0; Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:0hk5r7E7nMP7nd9/aRfKXA== |
Topics and/or activities that made me to reflect upon my ethics and behaviors |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Valid 140.0; Mean 3.4285714285714284; StDev 0.750470903896391; Min. 1.0; Max. 5.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:kwRxiDNrq+GtrMnbgnVAwQ== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Max. 5.0; Mean 3.5214285714285714; StDev 0.753580013394645; Valid 140.0; Min. 1.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:SEcX/F4Zq5RG/0chZG81+g== |
f1271 Location: |
Summary Statistics: Mean 3.6499999999999995; StDev 1.0790683431593346; Max. 5.0; Min. 1.0; Valid 140.0 Variable Format: numeric Notes: UNF:6:9jZgDJTq8EtgHjTYBR6GIA== |
Label: |
LiDA_SurveyData_0430_Archive_v1.tar.gz |
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application/x-gzip |
Label: |
LiDA_SurveyData_0430_Internal_documents_v1.tar.gz |
Text: |
LiDA vidiniai dokumentai, susiję su publikuotu duomenų rinkiniu, prie kurių prieiga nesuteikiama = LiDA internal documents related to the published dataset, to which access is not provided. |
Notes: |
application/x-gzip |
Label: |
LiDA_SurveyData_0430_Questionnaire_0001_v1.pdf |
Text: |
Klausimynas lietuvių kalba (lit) = Questionnaire in Lithuanian (lit) |
Notes: |
application/pdf |
Label: |
LiDA_SurveyData_0430_Questionnaire_0002_v1.pdf |
Text: |
Klausimynas anglų kalba (eng) = Questionnaire in English (eng) |
Notes: |
application/pdf |