
Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities (LiDA) is a virtual digital infrastructure for SSH data and research resources acquisition, long-term preservation and dissemination. It provides access to more than 600 data and research resources. All the data and research resources are documented in both Lithuanian and English according to international standards. Access to the resources is provided via this Dataverse repository (not all the resources are available, as in 2020-2029 a migration project from the old infrastructure is being implemented). LiDA curates different types of resources and they are published into catalogues according to the type: Survey Data, Aggregated Data (including Historical Statistics), Encoded Data (including News Media Studies), and Textual Data. Also, LiDA holds collections of social sciences and humanities data deposited by Lithuanian science and higher education institutions and Lithuanian state institutions (Data of Other Institutions).

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LiDA is hosted by the Centre for Data Analysis and Archiving (DAtA) of Kaunas University of Technology (

Lietuvos humanitarinių ir socialinių mokslų duomenų archyvas (LiDA) yra virtuali skaitmeninė empirinių HSM duomenų ir tyrimų išteklių kaupimo, ilgalaikio saugojimo ir sklaidos infrastruktūra, suteikianti prieigą prie daugiau nei 600 duomenų ir tyrimų išteklių. Visi duomenų ir tyrimų ištekliai yra dokumentuoti lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis pagal tarptautinius standartus. Prieigai prie išteklių naudojama ši Dataverse talpykla (kol kas ne visi ištekliai prieinami, nes 2020-2029 m. vykdomas perkėlimo iš senosios infrastruktūros projektas). LiDA kuruoja įvairių tipų išteklius ir jie publikuojami atskiruose kataloguose pagal tipą: Apklausų duomenys, Agreguotieji duomenys (įskaitant Istorinę statistiką), Koduotieji duomenys (įskaitant Žiniasklaidos tyrimus) ir Tekstiniai duomenys. Taip pat LiDA talpinami Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo ir studijų bei Lietuvos valstybės institucijų deponuoti socialinių ir humanitarinių mokslų duomenų rinkiniai (Kitų institucijų duomenys).

Depozitoriai, kurie norėtų deponuoti savo duomenis į LiDA Dataverse talpyklą, turėtų susipažinti su informacija šiame puslapyje.

LiDA įsikūręs Kauno technologijos universiteto Duomenų analizės ir archyvavimo centre (DAtA) (

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61 to 70 of 607 Results
Mar 1, 2024 - Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour Surveys = Aplinkosauginių nuostatų ir elgsenos tyrimai
Telešienė, Audronė; Balžekienė, Aistė; Budžytė, Agnė; Zolubienė, Eimantė; Vilčinskas, Vidas, 2024, "Energy Consumption, November 2022",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V1, UNF:6:/ktufwFSCoNaVhE4ogWKBg== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse energy consumption habits of the Lithuanian population. Major investigated questions: respondents were asked how often they themselves take measures to reduce energy consumption in their daily lives. A block of statements explored respondents'...
Mar 1, 2024 - Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour Surveys = Aplinkosauginių nuostatų ir elgsenos tyrimai
Telešienė, Audronė; Balžekienė, Aistė; Budžytė, Agnė; Zolubienė, Eimantė, 2024, "Climate Change Communication and Information Consumption, November 2022",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V1, UNF:6:X5J3zg1Zl7ZdMDZ469L3Gw== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse communication of climate change and consumption of information habits of the Lithuanian population. Major investigated questions: the relevance of the climate change issue to each respondent personally and their level of worry were questioned....
Mar 1, 2024 - Project Social Solutions to the Climate Crisis (2022-2025) = Projektas Klimato krizės socialiniai sprendimai (2022-2025 m.)
Telešienė, Audronė; Balžekienė, Aistė; Budžytė, Agnė; Zolubienė, Eimantė; Vilčinskas, Vidas, 2024, "Data of the Project "Social Solutions to the Climate Crisis: Behavioral Profiles and Targeted Communication", November 2022 (unified data set)",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V1, UNF:6:COFlDWYCmOJ0H9/XYZ/d8w== [fileUNF]
Dataset contains all survey data collected in the research project "Social Solutions to the Climate Crisis: Behavioral Profiles and Targeted Communication", which was conducted by a team of researchers from the Kaunas University of Technology. This research was funded by the Rese...
Feb 19, 2024 - Surveys of Cultural Life = Kultūrinio gyvenimo tyrimai
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, 2024, "National Survey of Digital and Digitized Cultural Content’s Consumers, May 2023",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V1, UNF:6:eMt37r55T+/u0mFQ8CLXeQ== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse Lithuanian residents needs and expectations regarding digital cultural content on the Internet. Major investigated questions: respondentų klausta, ar jie naudoja kultūros turinį internete (pvz., elektronines knygas, filmus, muzika ir pan.) bei...
General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania = Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija(Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija = General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania)
General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania = Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija logo
Jan 10, 2024Institutions of Higher Education = Mokslo ir studijų institucijos
Plenary Sittings of the Seimas = Seimo plenariniai posėdžiai(Kaunas University of Technology = Kauno technologijos universitetas)
Jan 5, 2024Textual Data = Tekstiniai duomenys
Dataverse collection "Plenary Sittings of the Seimas" contains debates transcripts, minutes and other texts related to the plenary debates of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (Lithuanian Parliament). Dataverse kolekcijoje "Seimo plenariniai posėdžiai" talpinamos debatų ste...
Jan 2, 2024 - National Survey of Student Achievement (2012) = Nacionalinis mokinių pasiekimų tyrimas (2012)
National Agency for Education, 2023, "NSSA 2012: 8th Grade Students Study, 2012",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V4, UNF:6:IVoa99r0rPL0B7speQnL+g== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to provide impartial information for the school, its students, and their parents (caregivers, foster parents) about the achievements to make decisions on the further improvements of teaching and studying on student, teacher, class, school, municipality,...
Dec 30, 2023 - Plenary Sittings of the Seimas = Seimo plenariniai posėdžiai
Morkevičius, Vaidas; Briedienė, Monika; Valentinavičius, Vytautas; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2021, "Corpus of the Transcripts of the Plenary Debates of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania starting from March 10th, 1990",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V17
The transcripts were collected and processed implementing the project "Policy Agenda of the Lithuanian Seimas and its Framing: The Analysis of the Seimas Debates in 1990-2020", which has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement Nr. P-MIP-20-373.
Dec 30, 2023 - European Social Survey Round 8 (2016) = Europos socialinio tyrimo 8 banga (2016)
Krupavičius, Algis; Butkevičienė, Eglė; Morkevičius, Vaidas; Šarkutė, Ligita; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2023, "ESS8, Sample Data, Lithuania, October - December 2017",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:nSk5CxFrzvenbs3+8PWjVA== [fileUNF]
Šiame duomenų rinkinyje pateikiami Europos socialinio tyrimo 8 bangos vykdytos Lietuvoje atrankos dizaino duomenys. Duomenų rinkinį sudarė tyrimą vykdžiusi organizacija UAB "Baltijos tyrimai", o jį sutvarkė EST Nacionalinis koordinatorius Lietuvoje ir Lietuvos HSM duomenų archyvo...
Dec 7, 2023Kaunas University of Technology = Kauno technologijos universitetas
Dataverse collection Project Strengthening Resilience in Communities and Society (2023-2026) will host data collected in the research project "Strengthening REsilience in Communities and sOciety through citizeN sciEnce and CiTizenship", which is conducted by a team of researchers...
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