The purpose of the study: to analyse Lithuanian residents opinion about the accessibility and quality of cultural products and services and to assess the level of the population’s consumption of cultural products and services and participation in the cultural activities.
Major investigated questions: the first part of the survey started by investigating respondents' involvement in performing arts activities and events during the past 12 months. A block of questions was used to ask whether they had participated in any amateur or professional activities in their spare time (Acted in a theatre performance; Directed a theatre performance; 8 in total). Next, respondents' social participation and volunteering in performing arts activities were investigated (Volunteered (for performing arts) in your workplace, group, or ensemble; 2 in total). The idea was to discover if they attended events, including festivals and other events in Lithuania or abroad (Theatre performance; Literary readings, book presentations; 17 in total). Further inquiries were made about how often they watched live streaming of events outside their home (e.g., outdoors, in a cinema, public library or other venue) (Theatre performance; Literary readings, Book presentations; 17 in total) or listened to recordings of events (Theatre performance; 17 in total). Respondents' views on changes in the availability, accessibility, and quality of performing arts events were surveyed, and the change in quality during the past year was assessed. Another part of the survey explored respondents' involvement in architecture, visual arts, and craft activities and events during the past 12 months. A block of questions was used to ask whether the respondents were involved in any of the following activities in their free time (Drawing, painting, printmaking (handmade); Taking artistic photographs (not including family or holiday photos); 7 in total). Further, respondents' social participation and volunteering in architecture, visual art and crafts activities (Member of a society, club or group of amateur artists or craftspeople; Volunteered in this society, club, or group; 5 in total) and usage (Visited exhibitions of paintings and prints, photographs, sculptures, handicrafts; Visited virtual exhibitions of visual arts or crafts; 4 in total) were also investigated. Respondents' views on changes in the availability, accessibility, and quality of fine arts and crafts exhibitions were surveyed, and the change in the quality of the exhibitions in the last year was assessed. The survey further explored respondents' involvement in heritage-related activities in the 12 months. A block of questions was used to ask whether they had engaged in any of the following activities in their spare time (Collected objects; Searched the archives and/or the internet for genealogical or historical records; 4 in total). Further, respondents' social participation and volunteering in heritage-related activities (participated in a cultural society, club or community; 2 in total) and use (Visited a museum; Visited galleries or exhibitions; 4 in total). Furthermore, they were asked which museums, galleries, or exhibitions they had visited in Lithuania and abroad (Art; History and Archaeology; 8 in total). The survey also asked Lithuanians to indicate which cultural heritage sites: monuments, buildings, or places they had visited in Lithuania and abroad (Historical sites; Ancient, famous buildings; 6 in total). The second part of the survey explored respondents' involvement in archives activities and events during the past 12 months. A block of questions asked whether they had engaged in any of the activities in their free time (Visited, contacted an archive in Lithuania; Searched for archive records (information) on the Internet on Lithuanian archive portals; 6 in total). It also explored respondents' views on whether there has been a change in the accessibility and quality of physical archives and online archives services, as well as museums, cultural monuments, and archaeological sites, and assessed the change in quality over the last year. In addition, the survey asked respondents to indicate their perception of the quality of the protection of cultural heritage and the changes in its maintenance (maintenance and protection of monuments, restoration of manors, maintenance of hillforts, etc.). Another part of the survey investigated respondents' involvement in book and print related activities during the last 12 months. A block of questions asked whether they engaged in any of the activities in their spare time (Wrote fiction or non-fiction in your spare time; 2 in total). Next, the respondents' social participation and volunteering in activities related to books and the press were investigated (You were a member of a (amateur) writers' or journalists' society, club or group; Attended (creative) writing courses, classes; 7 in total). The survey asked Lithuanian respondents how many books they had at home and how often in the last 12 months they had bought books and exchanged books with friends, co-workers, neighbours etc. A block of questions was used to examine the personal use of books (Read a printed book in your free time; Visited book fairs; 3 in total). Next, respondents were asked how often they read books to their child/children, how many books they had read in the last 12 months, and how many of these were fiction books written in Lithuanian. It was also asked which genres of literature the respondents had read (fiction (novels, novellas, etc.); 7 in total). A block of questions was used to investigate the reading of magazines/periodicals and newspapers (Read printed magazines and/or periodicals in your free time; 4 in total). This part of the survey concluded with an examination of respondents' views on whether the availability and quality of books and periodicals had changed, and an assessment of the change in quality over the last year. It further explored respondents' involvement in activities related to public libraries in the last 12 months. A block of questions asked whether they had engaged in any of the activities in their free time (Visited a public library in Lithuania; Borrowed books; 8 in total). Next, respondents' social participation and volunteering in activities related to public libraries were investigated (Donated books to a public library; Volunteered in a public library; 3 in total). The survey explored respondents' opinions on whether the accessibility and quality of public library services have changed and assessed the change in quality over the last year. Another part of the survey explored respondents' involvement in activities related to film or video in the last 12 months. It asked whether they had made at least one film or video as an artistic hobby (not including family or holiday filming). Respondents' social participation and volunteering in film or video-related activities were also examined (Member of a society, club, or group where films, videos, including music videos, are produced; Attended film or video making courses, classes; 5 in total). Another block of questions was asked to assess the use of films and videos (Attended a cinema or film festival; Downloaded films from the internet or watched them online; 4 in total). It also explored respondents' views on whether there had been any change in the availability and quality of films and assessed the change in quality over the last year. Another part of the survey explored respondents' involvement in radio, TV and online activities in the last 12 months. They wanted to know how much time they spend listening to the radio, listening to online radio, watching TV, watching online TV and using the internet in their free time during the week and at the weekend. They were asked whether they had created anything online as a hobby - i.e. a website, a game, a blog. They were also asked to indicate how much time they spend on average on a typical day of the week on social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter. Towards the end of the survey, it was asked what were the main barriers that prevented respondents from joining, participating or volunteering in cultural activities in the last 12 months (I am not interested, I have other interests; Lack of time; 11 in total). Next, they were asked whether they are a citizen of Lithuania and whether they are proud of it. In addition, they were asked whether they had been happy or unhappy in the last 12 months and whether their emotional and spiritual health was good or bad. They were asked whether they had voted in the 2016 Seimas elections and whether they were religious. They were also asked to indicate what qualities a creative person should have and whether they would call themselves creative. After a list of descriptions of creativity was given, they were asked which ones were correct (Creativity - ability to draw, sing, dance, play musical instruments, etc.; 4 in total). At the end of the questionnaire, a question was asked about whether people can be trusted in general, or whether one should be cautious.
Socio-demographic characteristics: gender, place of residence, county, size of area of residence, age, nationality, education, occupation, position, marital status, household size, number of 14 years old children, average monthly income per family member.
The survey on people's participation in culture and satisfaction with cultural services is based on the
European Statistical System Network on Culture (ESSnet-Culture) methodology for participation in culture, complemented by themes relevant to monitoring Lithuanian culture consumption. In 2012, the ESSnet-Culture methodology was proposed by the EU Council for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport as a basis for the harmonisation of cultural statistical systems and methodologies for data collection in the cultural sector in EU countries.