Dataverse collection Project Policy Agenda of the Lithuanian Seimas and its Framing (2020-2022) hosts data collected in the research project "Policy Agenda of the Lithuanian Seimas and its Framing: The Analysis of the Seimas Debates in 1990-2020", which was conducted by a team of researchers from the Kaunas University of Technology between 2020-05-01 and 2022-09-30. This research was funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (RCL) as part of the competitive program "Researcher Groups projects" (P-MIP-20-373). Project partners: Vytautas Magnus University. Project leader – prof. dr. Vaidas Morkevičius.

The aim of the project is to investigate the dynamics of policy agenda of the Lithuanian Seimas and its determinants in the period of 1990-2020 and to examine framing as well as origins and agents of policy agenda of the Seimas.
Dataverse kolekcijoje Projektas Lietuvos Seimo politinė darbotvarkė ir jos įrėminimas (2020-2022 m.) publikuojami Kauno technologijos universiteto 2020-05-01 - 2022-09-30 įgyvendinto projekto „Lietuvos Seimo politinė darbotvarkė ir jos įrėminimas: 1990-2020 m. Seimo stenogramų analizė“ duomenys. Projektas vykdytas kaip Lietuvos mokslo tarybos (LMT) finansuojamos konkursinės programos ,,Mokslininkų grupių projektai“ dalis (P-MIP-20-373). Projekto partneriai: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas. Projekto vadovas – prof. dr. Vaidas Morkevičius.

Projekto tikslas – ištirti Lietuvos Seimo politinės darbotvarkės turinį 1990-2020 metais ir jo raidos veiksnius bei išnagrinėti pagrindines politinės darbotvarkės įrėminimo praktikas, jų kilmę ir atstovus.
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1 to 3 of 3 Results
Jan 13, 2025 - Monitoring Social Problems = Socialinių problemų stebėsena
Morkevičius, Vaidas; Valentinavičius, Vytautas; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2023, "Most Important Problems in Lithuania, March 2022",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V7
The purpose of the study: to investigate Lithuanian public agenda and to measure Lithuanian public opinion on the most important socio-political problems in Lithuania. Major investigated questions: respondents were asked to think about the problems Lithuania is currently facing a...
Dec 30, 2023 - Plenary Sittings of the Seimas = Seimo plenariniai posėdžiai
Morkevičius, Vaidas; Briedienė, Monika; Valentinavičius, Vytautas; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2021, "Corpus of the Transcripts of the Plenary Debates of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania starting from March 10th, 1990",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V17
The transcripts were collected and processed implementing the project "Policy Agenda of the Lithuanian Seimas and its Framing: The Analysis of the Seimas Debates in 1990-2020", which has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement Nr. P-MIP-20-373.
Sep 22, 2022 - Political Statistics Data = Politinės statistikos duomenys
Morkevičius, Vaidas, 2022, "Parliamentary Party Group (Faction) Affiliations of the Speakers of Plenary Debates of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania starting from March 10th, 1990",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:fFvHNpDNa7HVIetBI95a4w== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains information about parliamentary party group (faction) affiliations of the speakers (members of parliament and cabinet of ministers) of the plenary debates of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania starting from March 10th, 1990.
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