1 to 10 of 10 Results
Jun 27, 2024Textual Data = Tekstiniai duomenys
Dataverse collection "Annual Addresses of the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania" contains transcripts of annual reports. Dataverse kolekcijoje "Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidentų metiniai pranešimai" talpinamos metinių pranešimų stenogramos. |
May 23, 2024Survey Data = Apklausų duomenys
Dataverse collection “Standard Eurobarometer: Lithuanian Data” contains survey data of the Standard Eurobarometer conducted in Lithuania from 2004. Standard Eurobarometer is a cross-national regular survey organized by the European Commission of the EU, which aims to analyse publ... |
Jan 5, 2024Textual Data = Tekstiniai duomenys
Dataverse collection "Plenary Sittings of the Seimas" contains debates transcripts, minutes and other texts related to the plenary debates of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (Lithuanian Parliament). Dataverse kolekcijoje "Seimo plenariniai posėdžiai" talpinamos debatų ste... |