Data Type: Textual data
Unit of Analysis: Paragraph (DDI Alliance Controlled Vocabulary for AnalysisUnit)
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Dec 30, 2023 - Plenary Sittings of the Seimas = Seimo plenariniai posėdžiai
Morkevičius, Vaidas; Briedienė, Monika; Valentinavičius, Vytautas; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2021, "Corpus of the Transcripts of the Plenary Debates of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania starting from March 10th, 1990",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V17
The transcripts were collected and processed implementing the project "Policy Agenda of the Lithuanian Seimas and its Framing: The Analysis of the Seimas Debates in 1990-2020", which has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement Nr. P-MIP-20-373. |