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21 to 30 of 98 Results
Nov 9, 2023Survey Data = Apklausų duomenys
Dataverse collection “Human Rights” contains surveys studying Lithuanian public opinion about the condition of human rights protection system, also the way people defend their rights violated and how they assess the effectiveness of institutions aimed to protect human rights in L...
Nov 9, 2023Survey Data = Apklausų duomenys
Dataverse collection “Lithuanian Government and Politics” contains surveys studying political attitudes of the Lithuanian population, their opinions about actors of the political system and political processes taking place in the country. Dataverse kolekcijoje „Lietuvos valdžia i...
Project Implications of Covid-19 For Human Security (2020) = Projektas COVID-19 pasekmės visuomenės saugumui (2020 m.)(Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences = Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras)
Oct 30, 2023Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences = Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras
Dataverse collection Project Implications of COVID-19 for Human Security (2020) hosts data collected in the research project "Implications of COVID-19 for Human Security: Challenges and New Opportunities", which was conducted by a team of researchers from the Lithuanian Centre fo...
Oct 30, 2023Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences = Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras
Dataverse collection Project Construction of Wellbeing of Older People (2017-2022) hosts data collected in the research project "Construction of Wellbeing of Older People: Politics of Empowerment, Indicators of Monitoring and Voice of Older People", which was conducted by a team...
Oct 26, 2023Textual Data = Tekstiniai duomenys
Dataverse collection "Political Party Statutes (Laws)" contains datasets of documents regulating the organizational structure of the major Lithuanian political parties, as well as the functions of party structures and their mutual interaction. Dataverse kolekcijoje "Politinių par...
Oct 24, 2023Vilnius University = Vilniaus universitetas
Dataverse kataloge Projektas Istorijos politika kaip tautos ir valstybės konstravimo veiksnys (2010-2012 m.) publikuojami Vilniaus universiteto 2010-09–2012-07 įgyvendinto projekto „Istorijos politika kaip tautos ir valstybės konstravimo veiksnys“ duomenys. Projektas vykdytas kai...
Oct 13, 2023Historical Statistics Data = Istorinės statistikos duomenys
Dataverse collection "Culture" contains data about cultural institutions, number of culture personnel, cultural life; publishing of books and periodic, etc. Dataverse kolekcijoje "Kultūra" talpinami duomenys apie kultūros institucijas, kultūros darbuotojų skaičių, kultūrinį gyven...
NO-GAP: Prototype of Educational Analytics Tool NO-GAP = NO-GAP: Mokinių pasiekimų analitikos įrankio NO-GAP prototipas logo
Sep 21, 2023The Project Disparities in School Achievement from a Person and Variable-Oriented Perspective (2020-2023) = Projektas Akademinių pasiekimų netolygumai į asmenį ir į kintamąjį orientuotu požiūriu (2020-2023 m.)
Dataverse collection "NO-GAP: Prototype of Educational Analytics Tool NO-GAP" contains open access code for the prototype of an analytical tool dedicated to monitoring and analyzing disparities in students‘ academic achievement at a school, municipal and national level. The code...
NO-GAP: Population-Level Educational Data = NO-GAP: Populiaciniai švietimo duomenys(Kaunas University of Technology = Kauno technologijos universitetas)
NO-GAP: Population-Level Educational Data = NO-GAP: Populiaciniai švietimo duomenys logo
Sep 20, 2023The Project Disparities in School Achievement from a Person and Variable-Oriented Perspective (2020-2023) = Projektas Akademinių pasiekimų netolygumai į asmenį ir į kintamąjį orientuotu požiūriu (2020-2023 m.)
Dataverse collection "NO-GAP: Population-Level Educational Data" contains anonymised data on two cohorts of students enrolled in the eighth grade during the school year 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, including the historical data for these student cohorts starting from the fourth grade...
NO-GAP: Survey Data with Derivative Variables = NO-GAP: Apklausų duomenys su išvestiniais kintamaisiais(Kaunas University of Technology = Kauno technologijos universitetas)
NO-GAP: Survey Data with Derivative Variables = NO-GAP: Apklausų duomenys su išvestiniais kintamaisiais logo
Sep 6, 2023The Project Disparities in School Achievement from a Person and Variable-Oriented Perspective (2020-2023) = Projektas Akademinių pasiekimų netolygumai į asmenį ir į kintamąjį orientuotu požiūriu (2020-2023 m.)
Dataverse collection "NO-GAP: Survey Data with Derivative Variables" contains datasets, which expand the analytical possibilities of the National Surveys of Student Achievement (NSSA) data, by providing a set of derivative variables for the analyses of student achievement in the...
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