Keyword Term: political, social and economic issues
Topic Classification Term: Environment and conservation ((CESSDA Controlled Vocabulary for TopicClassification))
Production Date: 2020
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Oct 13, 2022 - Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour Surveys = Aplinkosauginių nuostatų ir elgsenos tyrimai
Balžekienė, Aistė; Budžytė, Agnė; Echavarren Fernandez, Jose Manuel; Telešienė, Audronė; Zolubienė, Eimantė, 2021, "Mapping Risk Perception in Lithuania: Spatial and Socio-Psychological Dimensions, September - October 2020",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V3, UNF:6:Mqav+cb3cCIUhcpX7nIBxw== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to investigate the attitudes of Lithuanian population about the most important threats to Lithuania as a country, different municipalities and respondents personally. Most important questions: respondents were asked what is the most important threat to L... |