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1 to 10 of 11 Results
Mar 1, 2024 - ISSP: Environment = TSTP: Aplinka
Telešienė, Audronė; Balžekienė, Aistė; Budžytė, Agnė; Zolubienė, Eimantė, 2023, "ISSP 2020: Environment IV, Lithuania, November 2022", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/RINOXY, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:Ycckho9gATlwVPtP79Z1zg== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse Lithuanian residents opinion about environmental problems and its effect to society. Major investigated questions: first, the goal was to identify the current most important socio-economic issue that Lithuania is facing, and which issue comes...
Nov 11, 2022 - ISSP: Religion = TSTP: Religija
Krupavičius, Algis; Ališauskienė, Milda; Butkevičienė, Eglė; Jurkevičienė, Jurgita; Šarkutė, Ligita, 2022, "ISSP 2018: Religion IV, Lithuania, April 2019", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/6UM8EM, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V1, UNF:6:yJwU2B9dVCngqB9uLJjG3A== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to explore the views of the Lithuanian population on religion and to find out about their religious behaviour and experiences. Major investigated questions: respondents we asked if they were to consider their life in general these days, how happy or unha...
Nov 11, 2022 - ISSP: Social Networks = TSTP: Socialiniai tinklai
Krupavičius, Algis; Ališauskienė, Milda; Butkevičienė, Eglė; Jurkevičienė, Jurgita; Šarkutė, Ligita, 2022, "ISSP 2017: Social Networks and Social Resources III, Lithuania, July 2018", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/PXJKGW, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V1, UNF:6:Wcd+BB5rtmHnwAyLXrNC+w== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to explore the opinions of Lithuanian citizens on social networks, their social activities and their interactions with specific people. Major investigated questions: a list of jobs that might be held by people respondents know (family members or relative...
Oct 13, 2022 - ISSP: Role of Government = TSTP: Valdžios vaidmuo
Telešienė, Audronė; Balžekienė, Aistė; Bartuškaitė, Miglė; Butkevičienė, Eglė; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2022, "ISSP 2016: Role of Government V, Lithuania, June - August 2016", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/4QC2WQ, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:LO0HJWutKsmCklxnhoJu3w== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse Lithuanian residents opinion about government in general and to find out what functions implementation should be government's responsibility. Major investigated questions: respondents were asked if people should obey the law without exception,...
Oct 13, 2022 - ISSP: Work Orientations = TSTP: Darbo orientacijos
Krupavičius, Algis; Balžekienė, Aistė; Bartuškaitė, Miglė; Butkevičienė, Eglė; Telešienė, Audronė; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2022, "ISSP 2015: Work Orientation IV, Lithuania, October - December 2015", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/35A7Z2, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:LWCvSWDD7MwzerldZX2TPA== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: analyse Lithuanian residents attitude towards work, unemployment and various working situations. Major investigated questions: respondents were asked about their attitude towards work: if work is just a way to earn money and if they would like to have a...
Oct 13, 2022 - ISSP: National Identity & Citizenship = TSTP: Nacionalinė tapatybė ir Pilietiškumas
Krupavičius, Algis; Balžekienė, Aistė; Bartuškaitė, Miglė; Butkevičienė, Eglė; Telešienė, Audronė; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2022, "ISSP 2014: Citizenship II, Lithuania, March - April 2015", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/KKSPG3, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:nfJwEHQ4izv1frw6eLCTAA== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse Lithuanian residents social and political activity and attitude towards relations between citizen and state. Major investigated questions: after a list with different possible activities was presented, respondents were asked to evaluate how im...
Oct 13, 2022 - ISSP: National Identity & Citizenship = TSTP: Nacionalinė tapatybė ir Pilietiškumas
Butkevičienė, Eglė; Balžekienė, Aistė; Bartuškaitė, Miglė; Morkevičius, Vaidas; Šarkutė, Ligita; Telešienė, Audronė; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2022, "ISSP 2013: National Identity III, Lithuania, October - November 2013", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/FQGGTT, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:dhCva/V7hj1EAkYdE9G/kQ== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse Lithuanian residents relation with Lithuania and attitude towards different groups of people living in the country. Major investigated questions: respondents were asked how close do they feel to their town or city, their municipality, Lithuani...
Oct 13, 2022 - ISSP: Family and Changing Gender Roles = TSTP: Šeima ir lyčių vaidmenys
Butkevičienė, Eglė; Balžekienė, Aistė; Morkevičius, Vaidas; Ražanauskaitė, Justina; Šarkutė, Ligita; Telešienė, Audronė; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2022, "ISSP 2012: Family and Changing Gender Roles IV, Lithuania, January - February 2013", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/TW2B48, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:Nl5t7nt6eVLGvh0KKOnbVg== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse Lithuanian residents attitude towards family, coordination of men and women domestic and labour roles. Major investigated questions: it was aimed to find out Lithuanian residents attitude towards marriage and children: if a working mother can...
Oct 13, 2022 - ISSP: Health and Healthcare = TSTP: Sveikata ir sveikatos priežiūra
Krupavičius, Algis; Butkevičienė, Eglė; Morkevičius, Vaidas; Šarkutė, Ligita; Telešienė, Audronė; Vaidelytė, Eglė; Žvaliauskas, Giedrius, 2022, "ISSP 2011: Health and Healthcare I, Lithuania, November - December 2011", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/LZQ77N, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:v1M/516uCGL0HzR46NMVfw== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse Lithuanian residents attitude towards health care system, to indicate their opinion about accessibility of services and its quality, to assess peculiarities of residents lifestyle. Major investigated questions: respondents were asked to assess...
Oct 13, 2022 - ISSP: Environment = TSTP: Aplinka
Krupavičius, Algis; Butkevičienė, Eglė; Kriaučiūnaitė, Neringa; Morkevičius, Vaidas; Šarkutė, Ligita; Telešienė, Audronė; Vaidelytė, Eglė, 2022, "ISSP 2010: Environment III, Lithuania, November 2010 - February 2011", https://hdl.handle.net/21.12137/10WK9X, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V2, UNF:6:8KXHo19VQiY7QkqanCc7Og== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to analyse Lithuanian residents opinion about environmental problems and its effect to society. Major investigated questions: at first it was aimed to find out which social economic problem is the most important in Lithuania today and which is the next....
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