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Dec 7, 2022 - Monitoring Social Problems = Socialinių problemų stebėsena
Janušauskienė, Diana; Mikulionienė, Sarmitė; Blažienė, Inga; Gaižauskaitė, Inga, 2022, "Impact of COVID-19 on Human Security (I): Lithuanian Population Survey, December 2020",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V1, UNF:6:SHlr2v6So0DKesC0Tj7dkw== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to explore the views of the Lithuanian population on the social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine with a particular focus on everyday life practices, changes in the quality of democracy. Major investigated questions: respondents were a...
Oct 13, 2022 - Barometer of the Public Opinion Research Center = Viešosios nuomonės tyrimų centro barometras
Public Opinion Research Center at the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2021, "Barometer of the Public Opinion Research Center, August 1990",, Lithuanian Data Archive for SSH (LiDA), V5, UNF:6:apUTlAdW2lwHDntTn5wGQQ== [fileUNF]
The purpose of the study: to find out the opinion of the Lithuanian population on the socially relevant issues during the rapid political, social and economic transformation of the country. Major investigated questions: respondents were asked whether they support the Lithuanian G...
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