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21 to 26 of 26 Results
Demography = Demografija(Vilnius University = Vilniaus Universitetas)
Jul 13, 2023Project Historical Sociology of Modern Restorations (2018-2022) = Projektas Moderniųjų restauracijų istorinė sociologija (2018-2022 m.)
Dataverse collection "Demography" contains data about population size, density, population size by place of residence (city or village), gender, confession, ethnic or national, social or estate cast, demographic historical data (birth rates, mortality, marriages, divorces, sickne...
Jul 11, 2023Historical Statistics Data = Istorinės statistikos duomenys
Dataverse collection "Economy: agriculture, forestry and fishing" contains data about land-tenure, farming manufacture, crop, harvest and fertility, number of birds and efficiency, wood area and wood industry, fishery and fishing, melioration, etc. Dataverse kolekcijoje "Ūkis: že...
The Project Disparities in School Achievement from a Person and Variable-Oriented Perspective (2020-2023) = Projektas Akademinių pasiekimų netolygumai į asmenį ir į kintamąjį orientuotu požiūriu (2020-2023 m.) logo
Jun 19, 2023Kaunas University of Technology = Kauno technologijos universitetas
Dataverse collection The Project Disparities in School Achievement from a Person and Variable-Oriented Perspective (2020-2023) hosts educational data and code developed during the research project "Disparities in School Achievement from a Person and Variable-Oriented Perspective:...
Jun 19, 2023Vilnius University = Vilniaus universitetas
Dataverse collection Project Resilience 1883-2023 hosts historical statistics data collected in the research project "Demographic, economic, energetic, food, and epidemiological resilience of modern Lithuanian society and nation (1883-2023)" implemented by a team of Vilnius Unive...
Lithuanian National Election Study = Lietuvos nacionalinė rinkiminė studija logo
Nov 16, 2021Election Studies = Rinkimų studijos
Dataverse collection “Lithuanian National Election Study” contains surveys studying electoral behaviour and socio-political attitudes of Lithuanian voters conducted as part of the Lithuanian national election study. Further information about the Lithuanian national election study...
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